Before reading the best practices below, verify support at Supported Editions and Features of VMware vSphere ESXi, VMware vCenter and VMware vSphere Client. The 1,000 user VM configurations generates about 60 IOPS during steady-state. However, using this feature to patch and update the guest OS is only supported by some applications and some versions, this is what is shown on this page when referring to VUM support. VMware Snapshots
Before reading the best practices below, verify support at Supported Editions and Features of VMware vSphere ESXi, VMware vCenter and VMware vSphere Client. New installs of 9.1 and above must use 1x110 GB vdisk. BE6000M (M5) appliance uses Intel Xeon 4114 CPU (10C/2.2GHz), so select that (all applications' small capacity point will support Xeon with base frequency 2.20 GHz). NOTE: support varies by app and version. 9.x
Caveated Support for VMware CPU Reservations and Distributed Resource Scheduler). For real-time load-balancing of live UC VMs (e.g. destination server must align with supported co-residency after failover occurs). Note that vDisk partition alignment is affected only by not using the Cisco proved OVA for initial install or reinstall of a VM. Any other type of public cloud offer (e.g. To date, Cisco has not discovered any issues with Collaboration apps due to a newer vmv version. The Cisco Unified Communications IM&P server uses the same virtualization approach that is used by CUCM or Cisco Unity Connection. Requirements on this page only apply to these software release combinations:
CUCM Real Time Monitoring - Trace Collection, Alerts, System Overview. Understanding of UCS technologies and Virtualization technologies; Responsible for upgradation of UC applications and end points like CUCM , CUC, IM&P , Jabber Clients etc. Removing virtual hardware resources (vCPU, vRAM, vDisk, etc.) NOTE: support varies by app and version. HQ site has high-profile users who require WAN survivability. Follow design assumptions and best practices from Unified Communications Using Cisco BE6000: Cisco Validated Design Guide (CVD). "DAVG/cmd" (Device Average Latency per command) - an indicator of disk subsystem performance. 1, 2 or 3
Note: If the tools do need to be updated, the VM may go through an additional boot cycle to update the tools. UCM, IMP and CUC have caveated support (see
This needs to be accounted for in VM Placement. 9.0
See VMware Consolidated Backup and VMware Data Recovery for what is supported. See the documentation for the UC application software or UC appliance software to see what is supported. Plan for a C220 M5 rack-mount server that emulates the specs of Business Edition 6000M (M5) appliance. Partner or account team may need to assist with running Cisco Collaboration Sizing Tool (CST). This feature automatically restarts a Virtual Machine (VM) on the same physical server or a different physical server. With a particular supported major/minor version (such as ESXi 5.1) A Cisco Collaboration app will only specifiy a minimum maintenance release (e.g. Customers who wish to add additional vcpu and/or additional vram beyond this minimum to improve performance may do so, but note the following: IOPS and Storage System Performance Requirements. 50% work from home + mobile roaming support. VMware Dynamic Power Management
Configuring CUCM - Virtual Machine deployment 4,566 views Aug 18, 2015 26 Dislike Share Go CodeGuru 1.05K subscribers Welcome to the Cisco Unified Call Manager Series. Virtual Appliance Packaging of UC apps
Three appliances at each site are sufficient to provide hardware redundancy and geographic redundancy. This content has been moved to Cisco Collaboration Infrastructure Requirements. Click here for VMware's direction to transition from ESX to ESXi. Go back to: Cisco Collaboration Virtualization. comparison of vCenter editions (available on this web page at time of this writing: Unlisted vendors (like ARM) are not supported. VMware vSphere 5.0+ only offers the ESXi architecture option. Redundant physical network access links (e.g. The following applies to any use of vMotion with UC apps:
Cisco CallManager, and Cisco TFTP, and Save. Supported Versions of VMware vSphere ESXi= 6.7, 7.0. Cisco requirements are to prevent these types of issues from impacting application availability to end-users. User count based on:
This feature effectively provides a method to do full system backup/restore, take system images or revert changes to software versions, user data and configuration changes. Here are some redirects to popular content migrated from DocWiki.
C220 M5 SFF, C240 M5 SFF, HX220c M5, B200 M5, etc.). No = the feature is not supported at this time - see Best Practices for alternatives, if any. Cisco only provides Application OVAs using an older version of VMware-native vmtools, that customers may update if needed for compatibility with their environment. for planned maintenance on the server or VMware software, or during troubleshooting to move software off of a physical server having issues. This example will use a minimum build of 6x SAS 1.2 TB.
restore from backup
for Cisco UCS, see the Server Compatiblity documents at The following applies to any use of vMotion with UC apps: UCM, IMP and CUC have caveated support (see
HCL, latencies, application VM capacity and performance needs). If VSA is desired to be used as shared storage for a virtualized Cisco Collaboration deployment, it must meet the storage requirements for UC on UCS Specs-based or 3rd-party Server Specs-based (e.g. Plan to have at least two hardware nodes for redundancy. Technical Cisco content is now found at Cisco Community,, and Cisco DevNet. VMware vSphere Distributed Switch) may have license feature-level requirements. Caveated Support for VMware CPU Reservations and Distributed Resource Scheduler, Virtualization for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), Click here to download support for M4 and older hardware, Supported Versions of VMware vSphere ESXi, click to download OVA file for this version, Click here to download support of older/non-orderable servers, Mobile+remote access and desktop+mobile softclients for 50% of users (to support WFH / roaming). VMware Cloud on AWS, Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple, Google Cloud VMware Solution by CloudSimple and others are not supported). 3rd-party-provided softswitches (e.g. Cisco recommends to power off the VMs before the SAN replication occurs.
VMware "Long Distance vMotion" (site to site) is not supported. VM configurations with 2 virtual disks use them as follows: vDisk 1 = Operating System + app binaries. Here are some example questions: Will Cisco support this? IOPS and Storage System Performance Requirements. These are guidelines and samples/examples only, not rules and not exhaustive prescribed/proscribed list of options (which is not possible to create). See also VMware Data Recovery and Copy Virtual Machine. You must also follow any compatibility instructions from the hardware provider(s). Before reading the best practices below, verify support at Supported Editions and Features of VMware vSphere ESXi, VMware vCenter and VMware vSphere Client. ), 3rd-party blade/rack compute with local DAS or 3rd-party SAN/NAS.
"NIC teaming") are permitted where supported by VMware Compatibility Guide and the network hardware/software providers' instructions. Not supported. via Distributed Resource Scheduler [DRS]), a few applications have caveated support (see here for details); otherwise it is not supported. moving VM from ESXi host A that has just had a server hardware or VMware failure to ESXi host B that is healthy. Plan to distribute VMs across sites and across hardware nodes. Does not protect vs. faults with the SAN or network hardware. C220 M5SX chassis will be used for up to 10 hard disk slots, which allows lower-cost HDD to be used (vs. SSD or NVMe) at high enough quantities to still meet application DAS guidelines (see Storage Requirements, Considerations specific to Local DAS). Cisco Collaboration applications do not support VMware vSphere, Ordering Guides for Cisco Business Edition 6000 12.5+ and Cisco Business Edition 7000 12.5+ at, Cisco Business Edition 6000 12.5+ Installation Guides at, Cisco Business Edition 7000 12.5+ Installation Guides at.
This could yield the following applications and application sizing:,,,, Virtualization for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), UCS Hardware and Software Compatibility tool,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Virtualization for Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Virtualization for Cisco Webex Meetings Server, Cisco Collaboration 12x guidelines for Network Infrastructure,,, Unified Communications Using Cisco BE6000: Cisco Validated Design Guide, Max vcpu per VM same as general-purpose vSphere Standard Edition, ESXi APIs for Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment, See Business Edition 6000 or 7000 Installation Guide. When deployed on a BE6000S server, minimum supported version is 10.5(2), capacity is limited to 150 users / 300 devices and design must follow BE6000S requirements in. Cisco Collaboration apps only require vmv4 functionality, so a newer vmv is usually transparent. Not all features in a given Major/Minor release of VMware vSphere ESXi may be licensed/enabled. Required VM count for software redundancy will fit on three BE7000H (M5) appliances. Note: Feature support for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise varies by component (e.g. Follow HX DIMM population rules for 4x32GB=128GB. Amazon Web Services [AWS], Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and others are not supported). VMware High Availability (HA)
VMware Boot from SAN
BE7000M (M5) appliance uses Intel Xeon 6132 CPU (14C/2.6 GHz), so select that (all applications' medium capacity point will support Xeon with base frequency 2.60 GHz). HQ infrastructure for "local UCM Subs for high-profile users" not included in example hardware BOMs. However, if Storage vMotion must be used, it is only under the following conditions:
For a given capacity point (such as the 10K user VM), the virtual hardware specs represent the minimum for that capacity point. A Virtual Machine (VM) file on network/shared storage can be booted on any physical server hosting ESXi that has access to that network shared storage. 93-98% of total IO is "sequential writes" with an IO block size of 4 kilobytes. Not supported. Virtualization for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) CUCM Components: CUCM includes the following main components: - Cisco Unified Communications Manager Publisher (PUB) - Cisco Unified Communications Manager Subscriber (SUB) - Cisco Unified Communication Manager IM & Presence (CUPS) - Cisco Unity Connections (UC)
See vMotion for what is supported. This section will give a summary support position, but for individual components see Support for Virtualization on the ESXi/UCS Platform. If what you are looking for isn't listed, search Support or post in the Cisco Community. Your customers requirements and design may differ from these examples. To properly shut down Cisco Unified Communications Manager, the command "utils system shutdown" should be run from the CUCM Command Line Interface (CLI . restore from backup
This may be because the feature is N/A for a UC deployment, or it has not been sufficiently tested before the app can support, or it causes an issue with the app that must be worked around on either VMware or Cisco side. Additionally, the UC applications and operating systems cannot set the Layer 2 COS markings. Use VLANs to isolate DMZ from intranet so we can run Expressway-E VMs on the appliances, instead of extra DMZ hardware. NOTE: support varies by app and version.
I.e. Assume blade will boot ESXi and applications from shared storage, so no local storage or RAID controller is required. In ESXi 5.1+ vMotion allows "DAS to DAS", i.e. All these uses are supported for UC but note that UC apps like CUCM and UCCX only support a single vNIC with a single IP address.
VMware "Long Distance vMotion" (site to site) is not supported. Two blades are sufficient to provide hardware redundancy. Step 5 After installation of the new version of VMware Tools is complete, remove the VMware Tools tar file from the virtual CD/DVD drive. Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual - BYOL Version 7.3.0-69 Sold by Cisco Systems, Inc. 7 AWS reviews 4 external reviews Centralize and simplify your firewall administration and intrusion prevention. Cisco recommendation is to apply the latest patches and updates recommended by VMware and your hardware vendor. Any on-premises hybrid extensions of 3rd-party public cloud infrastructure (e.g. Select a dedicated high-performance RAID controller that supports RAID5. UC apps continue to use existing methods of software installation and upgrade. Cisco Collaboration apps do not specifically regress physical or virtual networking infrastructure. the recommendations below only apply to single cluster deployments. See documentation of those applications for details. To configure a trunk, proceed to Connectivity -> Trunks. May only be done during a maintenance window with UC VMs shut down. This feature provides integration with 3rd-party backup utilities so that they can non-disruptively backup the OS and application in a Virtual Machine (VM). for planned maintenance on the server or VMware software, or during troubleshooting to move software off of a physical server having issues. 5.0 U3 on UCS C220 M3 SFF, check the UCS interop matrix to see if any updates required before U3 will work on that hardware. File Deploy OVF Template, eg: \OVA-ISO\cucm_10.5_vmv8_v1.8.ova; Right click virtual machine, EDIT virtual machine settings, and insert a Boot CD! For latency/performance, rule of thumb would be 14 disks (1 HDD per physical CPU cores). Cisco physical / virtual networking infrastructure is presumed transparent to Collaboration workloads.
Cisco Collaboration applications do not support VMware vSphere ESX, only ESXi. Upgrades from 8.x VMs with 2x80GB vdisks to 9.1 or higher are not required to change the vdisk. ), SAN/NAS shared storage: adapter for storage access, the transport network (FC, iSCSI, NFS, etc.) a. Right-click the virtual machine that you are upgrading, and choose Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools. See the Solution Reference Network Design Guide for UC security for what is supported. For simplicity, this example will use a pair of Intel Xeon 6242 CPUs (16C/2.8 GHz) which will support all applications' "large" capacity points ("medium" for Expressway) in this example. Does not protect vs. faults with the SAN or network hardware. Cisco Collaboration apps do not prescribe or proscribe individual ESXi patches and updates. Expected to be 0ms in an ideal environment. Version 14. Long Distance vMotion
In the popup window choose Interactive Tools Upgrade. 1
Reminder that for applications to be supported on a storage system, it must meet application requirements for compatibility, latency, usable space and IOPS capacity. VMware vShield
For example, initial deployment of the OVA and UC application may have been done on ESXi 4.0 update 1. Some counter-examples (non-exhaustive): E.g. Another alternative is manual Virtual Machine shutdown and migration. 9.0(1) to 11.6(1)
Cisco Webex Meetings Server has application-specific co-residency rules independent of physical CPU. The RAID controller (whether motherboard, PCIe, etc.)
. Active SWSS required see Business Edition or Business Edition 7000 Ordering Guide (partner-level access). Existing UC app methods of backing up the software continue to be supported. See VMware Consolidated Backup and VMware Data Recovery for what is supported. Not supported. Applications' "medium" capacity points and VM configurations are supported by Business Edition 7000M (M5) appliances. ); HX TRC 6.0 only. If mixing capacity points in the same UCM cluster then the scale per cluster and the density per node continue to be limited to that of the. Feb 2, 2022 17 Dislike Share Save Tesrex Ltd 124 subscribers Here we go through the process of upgrading to Cisco Unified Communications Manager 14 (CUCM 14). Application-Specific co-residency rules independent of physical CPU cores ) redundancy and geographic redundancy the documentation for UC. X27 ; t listed, search support or post in the Cisco Unified Contact Enterprise... Application availability to end-users some redirects to popular content migrated from DocWiki ESXi= 6.7,.! A trunk, proceed to Connectivity - & gt ; Trunks for VMware CPU Reservations and Distributed Scheduler... 50 % of total IO is `` sequential writes '' with an IO block size of 4 kilobytes VMware. Is `` sequential writes '' with an IO block size of 4 kilobytes can run Expressway-E on. Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools 1 = Operating System + app binaries M5 server. 1X110 GB vDisk the VMs cisco cucm virtualization the SAN or network hardware is found! That emulates the specs of Business Edition 7000 Ordering Guide ( partner-level access ) component ( e.g ESXi and from. Hardware resources ( vCPU, vRAM, vDisk, etc. ) and... Design may differ from these examples amazon Web Services [ AWS ], Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and. Of VMware-native vmtools, that customers may update if needed for compatibility with their environment type public... 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