constitution of a youth group pdf

Article 12: Source of Income/Funding -gmj! Article 1: Name of Foundation posted by Youth Self Help Iniative at 6:06 AM, what do you do when a member requests for a loan, you have not reflected that anywhere unless i have not seen it, What are some of the projects that you majorly invest in?0725082791, This is a general constitution so unless its stated its lending group, I have not seen activity unless you showe, What is the procedure upon resignation and payment of dues, I jumped on an opportunity to purchase a rental property over the 4th of weekend. And some of their signatories shall be the principal signatories in the bank, followed by that of the treasurer. Article 13: Management of Funds and Property Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. WebAmendments This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any General Youth Convention, providing the proposed amendment has been submitted previous to Convention day in writing to the Youth Council, and printed copies of the same have been distributed to the convention delegates. 0000006062 00000 n 0000007453 00000 n Article X Rules of Order Foundation Background (1) The policy and management of the affairs of the Group shall be directed by a Management Committee which shall meet not fewer that three times a year and shall consist of not fewer than six members. Committee member: Shall mean a person appointed to act on the Executive Committee of the Foundation or sub-committee of the Foundation in accordance with the provision of the constitution. > w y v } E bjbj2"2" Ht PH`PH`. The constitution should also set out the ideals and goals your group want to achieve. WebSection 2. KATROPA Sariaya shall advance the economic, social, cultural and environmental rights and welfare of the youth and the people, in general. Article 37: Declaration. stream <> 0000002094 00000 n WebSection 2. General supervision of the work the Executive Committee and the staff of the Foundation. The preamble should introduce the constitution in a few sentences. Community based organizations (CBOs) are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve life for residents. Write the name of the group. WebA draft community association constitution is available as an example. 0000007477 00000 n The Registered office of the Self Help Group shall be situated at Consideration, approval of and estimate of income and expenditure for next financial year . Fraud, i.e. record the minutes of all meetings of the youth group and the board of directors; 2. be the custodian of all documents including youth group bylaws, special orders, and standing rules; 3. conduct correspondence as directed by the youth group, the board of 0 ADVENTIST EDUCATION IN GHANA: BENEFITS, CHALLENGES AND WAY FORWARD, A Model for Multicultural Worship Developed at the Fallbrook Seventh-day Adventist Church, The Evolution and Current Issues of Seventh-day Adventism, The Evolution and Current Issues of Seventh-day Adventism.pdf, A Theory Base and Mission-sending Model for the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, The Impenetrable Depths of Divine Love in Contrast to the Shallowness of Human Love in Romans 5:68: Literary Structure as the Key to Meaning, Annotated Bibliography of Research on Youth and the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, ANAR ALZADE CHRISTIANITY IN AZERBAIJAN: FROM PAST TO PRESENT, Christianity Today Interview with Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli, Examining the current established structures that run SDA church programs in Nakuru East and West Sub-counties, Christian Norms and Intimate Partner Violence in The Holy Spirit and Social Justice Interdisciplinary Global Perspectives History, Race & Culture, Rejection From The Root The Impact o f Identity Crisis (Original), HANDBOOK OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST MINISTERIAL AND THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION International Board of Ministerial and Theological Education General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, Guwonpa, WMSCOG, and Shincheonji: Three Dynamic Grassroots Groups in Contemporary Korean Christian NRM History. Whichever way you decide, your constitution should include: The SCNI Factsheet "Understanding your Constitution" will give you more information. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br 20 0 obj <> endobj The General Assembly had also declared August 12 as International Youth Day (IDY) which was followed all over the world as Youth Day. Aims. Section 2. Our aim is to make positive living attractive. Shall dress the members of the Foundation during every function. Webthe co-operative youth movement, according to the criteria for membership. Hereby recognized and deemed to be a voluntary venture and shall exercise its obligations in Uganda. /!, Capacity building consultant with interest in Community based organisation and microfinance support institutions. Article 35: Dissolution uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Making a positive living attractive to the community, which include: Counseling and guidance among the youth and entire community. WebAmendments This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any General Youth Convention, providing the proposed amendment has been submitted previous to Convention day in writing to the Youth Council, and printed copies of the same have been distributed to the convention delegates. The contact/address of the Foundation shall be through the Executive Directors of the Foundation, or the Secretary of the Foundation. BYDF: Shall mean Bugembe Youth Development Foundation. Ordinary Members b. -M7OWwjUZ[6]w=N}}99B9txt3tzOZvKM]s~8fpookur79/3=:;5N^w#Y"ziU ( d/a9ANL/R+SPBh~+# ]emnh%)iJ/5nz.tSvz;}3l8 WiXd Lia=j IW&u+ An overview of the combined history of various faiths within a given local region is rarely attempted. record the minutes of all meetings of the youth group and the board of directors; 2. be the custodian of all documents including youth group bylaws, special orders, and standing rules; 3. conduct correspondence as directed by the youth group, the board of Article 9-Mission Statement Section 2.11 -whereas ; the mission of the organization is to empower youths educationally with vocational ,technical and knowledge skills to practice their career or readiness skills .EYEDOSL is a youth The Foundation is a Community Based Organization (C.B.O.) The Foundation shall have to pay for a postal address box at the nearest post office branch for communication services. 51 0 obj <>stream Shall be the chief spokesperson and responsible of all the Executive Meetings. ARTICLE 1: NAME: KATROPA Sariaya believes that the youth has the social responsibility to educate, organize and mobilize the broadest number of youth. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. In order to achieve the mission and objectives envisioned by the National Youth Policy, 2066(2009), various programs have been conducted through the Ministry. ARTICLE VII. Since its organization in 1863 the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been counter cultural. The book traces these groups from their beginnings in that region until 2003. NB: A member group can be put on indefinite suspension, only after the deliberation of the executive body in consultation with the Youth Chaplain and the concerned group. View and download the template constitution Create a free account 1. Article 25: Election of the Board of Trustees Each member of the Executive board shall hold an office for the period of 3 years, after which he/she shall be deemed to retire or subject to re-election. Ordinary Members b. The Registered office of the Self Help Group shall be situated at 0000011727 00000 n Article 11: Strategic Activities and Services WebActive membership of this ministry shall be those that are actively serving as officers and trustees of the ministry. This shall be done at the general assembly. All the decisions made in the special general meeting shall be recorded in the minute book of the Foundation by the Secretary. In conclusion, several recommendations are made on where to begin harnessing the power of ritual. THE CONSTITUTION OF BARAKA MEN SELF HELP GROUP. Chernoh Barrie. early settlement, late 19th century, 1920s-1950s, etc. 7lfUemYWe7EI!hdf8,z)i~Em;{+X6 7&Nfl\r_oC65&c2Ve2`"J6Uy`_k>GHW$=dpxZ!O>M|G-z2Ew. Article 3: Location Any meeting may called at any time before the Annual General Meeting to discuss or consider any urgent matter concerning the foundation and such a meeting shall be called a Special General Meeting. Where there is no quorum, the chairperson shall adjourn the meeting to another date and the secretary publish a notice of another meeting to take place 15 days time to inform the members not in attendance. cashbooks, invoices, payment vouchers and books showing assets and properties. Board of Trustees: The five members pursuant to the provision of the constitution. /Filter /DCTDecode The Board of Trustees may one time appoint Advocates who shall be the legal advisor so long as it is in the interest of the Foundation. WebConstitution | Bugembe Youth Development Foundation Constitution Table of Contents Foundation Background Preamble Article 1: Name of Foundation Article 1: Name of the Foundation Article 2: Type and Nature of the Foundation Article 3: Location Article 4: Coverage Area of Operation Article 5: Contact/Address of the Foundation The aims of Wild about Brighton Youth Group will be: To bring together and foster understanding amongst young people from the diverse communities in Brighton and Hove xb```f``c`e`Pgc@ >cW603l` hL}&=$"o@Q-"M^E^cg``R26 Y\\\ l30H0Hh]Vf`v5iBnRSk>c\{N5U Ap endstream endobj 14 0 obj<>/Metadata 11 0 R>> endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>/Properties<>>>>>>> endobj 17 0 obj<> endobj 18 0 obj<> endobj 19 0 obj<> endobj 20 0 obj<>stream To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Calendar year: Shall mean 12 months starting from the 1st day of January to the next year. Article 24: Board of Trustees <> Begin your constitution with a preamble. In all other meetings of the Board of Trustees or executive meeting of the Foundation as the case may be, the quorum shall be of the total members of the Board of Trustees or Executive Committee as the case may be. Adobe d C A constitution helps serve as a set of rules and principles that everyone in your group agrees is the basis of how they want to governed. Educate youth and the community about the orientation and programs of KATROPA. WebSection 1. To keep proper records of payments made and regularly submit the balance showing the financial status of the Foundation. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. The accounts of the Foundation shall be audited by Auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. Mr Lee was quick to respond and since this was my first time getting a loan to buy a rental property , he was able to help me walk through the loan process. WebIn case of any of these situations hereby mentioned, the groups must inform the Ministry in writing, through the Executive committee. The name of the Group shall be BARAKA MEN SELF HELP GROUP hereinafter referred to as The Group. Dr. David Trim, Senior Research Fellow, University of Reading, England. (1) The policy and management of the affairs of the Group shall be directed by a Management Committee which shall meet not fewer that three times a year and shall consist of not fewer than six members. Aims. The name of the group shall be Wild about Brighton Youth Group. WebThis two-part book (published 2003) summarizes the history of over 80 faith groups (Aboriginal, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu etc) across an Australian region known for having numerous, nationally-significant spiritual centres: the Sunshine Coast in Queensland (Australia). To keep proper book of Accounts, issue receipts for cash and cheques received and bank all the money received for and behalf of the Foundation. This two-part book (published 2003) summarizes the history of over 80 faith groups (Aboriginal, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu etc) across an Australian region known for having numerous, nationally-significant spiritual centres: the Sunshine Coast in Queensland (Australia). Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Effectively implement the General Program of Action in its locality. 0000001398 00000 n 0000002027 00000 n (LogOut/ 0000017841 00000 n Change). And for fraud, a member shall be prosecuted pending dismissal. (2) At the Annual General Meeting, the group shall elect a chairperson, a coordinator, a secretary, a treasurer and up to ten ordinary 0000010756 00000 n Shall be in charge of entertainment and leisure activities within and on behalf of the Foundation. OBJECTS. 0000018037 00000 n % Article 16: Membership 0000001036 00000 n WebSection 3. Article 23: Patron /Length 34742 endobj Webthe co-operative youth movement, according to the criteria for membership. %PDF-1.3 %PDF-1.4 >> 0000001894 00000 n To oversee the cash flow of the Foundation. WebComprehensive Constitution of A Welfare Association . Our mission is to unite the youths to effectively participate and serve in socio-economic and cultural activities, thus to improve on youths' standards of living. /Width 1130 WebSection 1. 0000015942 00000 n stream (2) At the Annual General Meeting, the group shall elect a chairperson, a coordinator, a secretary, a treasurer and up to ten ordinary The focus is to build equality across society in all streams health care, environment, quality of education, access to technology, access to spaces and information for the disabled, to name but a few. /BitsPerComponent 8 Comprehensive Constitution of A Welfare Association - this is a sample constitution which has been comprehensively drafted to suit most welfare associations in Kenya. 54 0 obj <> endobj WebThe National Youth Policy described in this document is designed to provide a comprehensive and multi-sectoral framework for addressing youth issues that are currently considered not commensurate with achieving sustainable socio-economic development. Doing anything incidental and necessary for the attainment of the objectives of the Foundation. Today more Seventh-day Adventist young people have voluntarily joined the military than in any previous generation of the Church's history. CZOM>i.^$,>EV0)RkfN29vlZ5 TFN_'@W_ 1*. Each was written by the centres themselves, or by the author working with key informants in each centre. General Sample Constitution of a Self-Help Group in Kenya Download By Terry Gachie - 16321 In case you are in the process of forming a self-help group and need ideas on how to come up with a perfect self-help group constitution, download the sample below. The coverage area of operation shall initially be Jinja District and later expand to the whole of the Eastern Region. WebTHE CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH OF PENTECOST THE PREAMBLE IN THE N AME OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD, we, the Members of The Church of Pentecost, IN EXERCISE of our natural right and freedom to establish a CHURCH which shall be used to propagate the WORD of GOD; 1. ARTICLE VII. Effectively implement the General Program of Action in its locality. Shall perform the duties of the Chairperson incase of the absence of the Chairperson and Board of Trustee may prescribe from to time. NAME. H\0F~ Web1. Consideration of making approval of and confirmation of appointments, demotions, suspensions and dismissals. Article 30: Employment of Staff Pauline Pneumatology: Where is the Spirit in Colossians? The active membership of this group shall consist of students who regularly attend and participate in Youth Alive meetings. j" Article 36: Interpretation Consideration and approval of the annual estimates of the Foundation. 2. Chernoh Barrie. We receive minimal funding which doesn't cover our running costs and your donation means we can keep running and provide free resources for those who need them. Section 2. (LogOut/ endstream endobj startxref Shall carry out the overall overseeing of the Foundations activities. 0000002678 00000 n %%EOF 0000007871 00000 n To encourage the youths to get involved in communal services. 0000001300 00000 n The preamble should introduce the constitution in a few sentences. Safe guarding the properties, interests and implementing the objectives of the Foundation. Article 21: Notice of the General Meetings Article II: REGULATORY PROVISIONS The Alliance Youth Network operates in accordance with this constitution and the resolutions adopted by the bodies that comprise it - the Articles and ByLaws of the Alliance and the resolutions of its General Assembly. Web(a) Membership of the Group shall be open to any person over 18 or any organisation living or located in the _____ area who is interested in helping the Group to achieve its aims, willing to abide by the rules of the Group and willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Management Committee. |!n88? WebThe National Youth Policy described in this document is designed to provide a comprehensive and multi-sectoral framework for addressing youth issues that are currently considered not commensurate with achieving sustainable socio-economic development. When you form a public group, you will need to create and agree on a constitution. The focus is to build equality across society in all streams health care, environment, quality of education, access to technology, access to spaces and information for the disabled, to name but a few. Article 6: Vision of the Foundation UGX 300,000. 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