how did william wirt winchester die

An alternate theory on the Winchester House's perplexing design declares that Sarah was creating a puzzle full of encryptions inspired by the work of English philosopher Francis Bacon. There are also some centrally located passages and stairways that serve as shortcuts allowing a virtual leap from one side of the House to the other. In addition, he writes Cocktail Chronicles, a feature column on Silicon Valley bars and nightclubs. 45), corresponds to the name Shakespeare. Lets start with the allegations about Sarah and Adam Coons. Their daughter, Anna Pardee Winchester, was born with marasmus, a painful condition where the body cannot sufficiently absorb nutrients. For Example, the name Sarah = 20, which then simplifies to 2 because zeros are regarded as nulls (and are not counted). Moreover, she has employed a brilliant device in the Shakespearean Windows to drive home the connection between Shakespeare, Hiram Abiff, Francis Bacon and herself. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. First, Sarah wants us to achieve a better understanding of her by comparing her with Cressida and Richard II. Sarah and William never had any other children, and in 1880, William's father died. Furthermore, with regard to the two Shakespearean inscriptions, Sarah has deliberately omitted the first word in each 8 word line so as to leave only 7 words in each line. The purpose of the test was to force the initiate to develop and hone his powers of intuition and insight. In the span of one year, she lost her mother, her father-in-law, and finally her husband William, who died of tuberculosis. In fact, the term mystery is much too ethereal, implying an unreachable quality which cannot be ascertained. Escher, published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1971. However, the name Annie Winchester (simplified or not) still corresponds with the number 77 (Pythagorean Cipher). But in higher dimensional mathematics, the number 4 can translate or rotate into multiple variations of itself, i.e. By passing through Sarahs gates, the initiate becomes his own guide and pursues the path of Self Initiation.. Not only would we be able to walk over it, we would also be able to walk through and around it in ways we otherwise wouldnt imagine possible. Record for William Wirt Winchester 7 March 1889 in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, United States from BillionGraves GPS Headstones. Moreover, any 10 year old child, armed with a calculator, can easily become a master of Sarahs number system. 4746, then, reverse their order in accordance with the Kabbalist Atbash Cipher, i.e. She also suspects that Sarah was just an ardentalbeit eccentricphilanthropist who used her family fortune to purposefully employ the San Jose community. Or, it can be partitioned in reverse, i.e. Has the wait been worthwhile? The late Cal Tech physicist Richard Feynman said You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicitybecause the truth always turns out to be simpler than you thought.. "I think Sarah was trying to repeat that experience by doing something they both loved," Boehme told the Los Angeles Times. After passing through the pillars the initiate then symbolically ascends a Winding Staircase leading into the Temple. This theory suggests that Sarah was a member of a mystic society like the Rosicrucians, or a secret society like the Freemasonsor possibly both. The concept of a forth dimension became an obsession that permeated both the scientific and academic communities of the latter nineteenth century. Its an immutable law. It provides enough of a tether to reality to make viewers think this could have happened but leaves plenty of room for, shall we say, artistic license. As we shall see, the Belle of New Haven became a staunch Baconian for the rest of her life. The peculiar residence was once home to Sarah Winchester, the widow and heir to the Winchester rifle . when the legend becomes fact, print the legend. Fundamentally, the tour guides at the WMH know the canned patter they to feed the tourists is mostly Folklore. Among the secrets Sarah took to her grave was why she insisted that so many things relate to the number 13. Additionally, we are reminded that the name William Shakespeare renders the numbers 7/11 as there are 7 letters in William, and 11 letters in Shakespeare. The most obvious Baconian devices in the Tiffany Window are Sarahs Tubal-Cain symbols. Then, 169 (13 squared) x 71,148 = 12024012. Historically, the Tubal-Cain symbol has generated controversy because of its phallic connotation. Her favorite niece and secretary, Marian Marriott, oversaw the removal and sale of all of Sarahs furnishings and personal property. Oliver Winchester died in December of 1880. She and her husband adopted a daughter, but that was after the timeline of the movie. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. Second, The Crescent was a periodical magazine of poetry and prose written, under various pseudonyms, by Sarah and her classmates, and published by her alma mater The Young Ladies Collegiate Institute of New Haven, CT. It is the lunar number because there are always 13 full moons in a year. Despite the Winchester Mystery House's cheerful appearance, this massive California mansion's history is edged with tragedy, mystery and maybe some ghosts. The co-discoverer of String Theory, Dr. Michio Kaku, says Its as though there is some kind of deep numerology being manifested in these functions that no one understands. Appropriately, theoretical physicists like to describe the String (or Membrane) as a resonating subatomic matrix of entangled lattices forming the structure of the universe in a unified configuration resembling a vast, spider-web. However, the loss did leave the widow Winchester with an inheritance of 20 million dollars plus nearly 50% of the Winchester Arms stockwhich, in turn earned her approximately $1,000 dollars per day in royalties for the rest of her lifethe result of which made her one of the wealthiest women in the world. Some say the labyrinth layout was meant to confuse the ghosts, allowing Sarah some peace and a means to escape them. Clearly, Mrs. Winchester isnt whimsically playing around with these particular passages from Shakespeare. And, 7 + 6 = 13, then, 13 simplifies to 4 (i.e., 1 + 3 = 4). So naturally the initiates journey begins at the front wrought iron gates. 11, and 77. Well, as everyone knows, thats an unlucky number which Mrs. Winchester used to ward off the evil spooks. The bedrooms south facing windows overlook a beautiful lawn and garden. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The Winchester algorithm is a simplified variation of Quaternions, except it only uses real numbers (instead of Hamiltons imaginary numbers). William Wirt Winchester was born June 22, 1837 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, the son of Oliver F. Winchester and Jane E. (Hope) Winchester. The answer is that without higher dimensional mathematics, such as the mathematical innovations of William Rowan Hamilton or Sophus Lie, many of the technologies we take for granted from computers, cell phones, to landing robotic space craft on Mars, etc., wouldnt be possible. In 1884, Sarah took up residence in the San Francisco Bay areaeventually moving inland to the Santa Clara Valley (now San Jose) to buy an eight room farmhouse from one Dr. Robert Caldwell. Really? This crucial dynamic of String Theory known as the Modular Function was discovered by another of Sarahs contemporaries, the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). To make matters more interesting, Sarah has the window facing north with no perceivable source of light. His siblings include: Ann Rebecca Winchester (1835-1864) who married Charles B. Dye; and Hannah Jane Winchester who married Thomas Gray Bennett. The movie is set at a time when the famous home was in a rural, orchard area. Elsewhere about the House, Sarah throws other numbers into the mix, and we begin to see that Winchester numbers, although generally connected to family names, ultimately take on a much deeper meaning. Read more about "The Real truth about Freemason">>, Read more about "The Shakespeare Conspiracy">>, Breaking the MASONIC CODE of Shake-Speares Sonnets, Breaking the Masonic Code of SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS. architecture as art, higher dimensional unification, and, most important, the theme of concealment. Bacons concept of concealment originated with his view of Proverbs 25 (in the Old Testament): It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. This is the underlying principle that evolved into both the modern scientific method and the Masonic Hiramic legend. However, in order to conceptualize the higher dimensional geometry of the universe, Sarah knew that we would need to step-up to a three dimensional view of the spider-web windowwhich is why the 13th bathroom has six spider-web windows. First, it symbolizes the initiate. Birth. When they are properly realigned, a stunning, new pattern emerges. Aside from its immense size and Victorian style architecture, the House has a number of unique characteristics. "She had a social conscience and she did try to give back," Boehme offered, noting the hospital Sarah built in her husband's name. However, the real quake took place at 5:12 a.m., not close to midnight as the movie implies, and was as far as we know not caused by a vengeful ghost. Stepping further into the room, we have no choice but notice the obvious Elephants Sarah uses to capture our attentionthese are two, elongated, stained glass windows which flank both sides of the rooms fireplace. Son of Oliver Winchester, 52nd Lt. Gov. These are good people who mean wellbut this is hardly the legacy Sarah wanted to leave to posterity. When movers were called in after her death, one lamented its labyrinthine design that includes many winding hallways. In 1886, Sarah purchased an eight-room farmhouse in San Jose, California, and began building. Notice how they mirror each other. First, she saw the number 13, i.e. Again, Roosevelts offer was turned down. 13 squared = 169, and 31 squared = 961. It is no wonder that New Haven Society would eventually dub her The Belle of New Haven.. Sarah issued many bizarre demands to her builders, including the building of trap doors, secret passages, a skylight in the floor, spider web windows, and staircases that led to nowhere. We are indebted to William Rowan Hamiltons development of Quaternions for laying down the dynamic principle governing the spider-webs intricate workings. He sold the House to the people who, in 1933, preserved it as a living museumtoday, it is known as the Winchester Mystery House also known as California Historical Landmark #868. Azazel killed her as a result and destroyed the house, but John, Dean, and Sam escaped with their lives. #RandolphHarris 8 of 12 To begin, there was Yale University (originally known as Yale College). And, of course 13, or any variant of 13, multiplied by 444 will always result in 777. In addition to Sarahs brilliance and respectable place in society, there were several factors about New Haven that presented a unique influence on her upbringing. The construction of the House was an ever building enterprise in which rotating shifts of workers labored 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The room is actually called the Sanctum. Freemasons refer to it as the Chamber of Reflection. The Sanctum is where Rosicrucians study, meditate and perform private ritual. With Mrs. Winchester as its only architect, the House gradually mushroomed outward and upward, reaching a height of 7 stories in some places, and encompassing 500 600 rooms. From the beginning of civilization, the geometric value of Phi (and the number 13 in particular) has been used as the basis for all great architectural endeavors. Heres a look at what they got right, what was made up and what lives somewhere in the gray area between truth and myth. Moreover, most daisy species have 13 branches growing out of their stalks (when they mature), and they possess another remarkable featurethe head of every daisy flower forms a Fibonacci Spiral consisting of 34 tiny florets spiraling clockwise, inward, from the outer ring to the centerand, 21 florets spiraling, outward, counter-clockwise from the center to the outer ring. Moreover, the Baconian-Masonic preoccupation with secret encryption techniques using numbered cipher systems most certainly influenced young Sarahs world view. In a Reddit AMA, a Winchester House tour guide confirmed that the houses third flooronly a portion of which is accessible during house toursis definitely the spookiest part of the house, because that's where the servants lived, so there's been a lot of reported activity there. The eighth ordinal is the number 13. In 2017, filming took place on the property for the film Winchester, featuring Helen Mirren as Sarah Winchester. In accordance with the Pythagorean Cipher, we recall that the number 51 corresponds to both the names Francis Bacon and Sarah Pardee. Three dimensional objects such as cubes, spheres and pyramids would seem impossible because our limited perception would only permit us to observe these objects as two dimensional squares, circles and triangles. In both the Rosicrucian and Masonic traditions, the Hourglass is emblematic of human life. Furthermore, the realignment of these two panes gives us the words THE TABLES OF THOUGHTS PEOPLE. It is no coincidence that these particular words, thus rearranged, now add up (in the Pythagorean Cipher) to the number 111. Her reason for this has to do with the fact that all Masonic initiates must enter the Lodge room through its northwest corner. Yet, everything in the pattern leads to the circleand, everything emanates from it. Young John Winchester and his father Henry. Here, Sarah has ingeniously incorporated her spider-web design into the architecture as a calculating device functioning both as an instructional tool that shows how her algorithm works, and as a model revealing the fundamental, symmetric structure of the universe. In another part of the House, the initiate comes to a landing connecting two staircases, each leading to different second story rooms. The Winchester Tiffany Window. 13, 31, 22, 112, 211, or 1111. Ah yes, true to Bacons theme of concealment, we have to look between the pieces of glassand, sure enough, the 49 pieces are all joined together at precisely 52 different points. Moreover, when we consult the Pythagorean Table, we realize that the number 77 corresponds both to the words Winchester goose and the name Annie Winchester. William = 34, Wirt = 25, Winchester = 52. Thus, she has one (Tubal-Cain) number 3 displayed in the right border of the windows, and a second (reversed) number 3 shown in the left bordersrendering the number 33 with the fleur- de-lis pattern occupying the middle portion of each window. All we have to do is pay close attention and follow those clues. As we shall see in Sarahs Ballroom, sevens are displayed in a more profound way. To the untrained eye, the beam has the appearance of just another piece of wood. This spurred the local economy of San Jose to lasting effect. Just a year later, Sarah lost William to tuberculosis. Brother of Anne Rebecca Dye and Hannah Jane Bennett. Moreover, when we place the numbers side-by-side, i.e. She named her two sons after her deceased parents, Samuel and Deanna. There are rooms within rooms. Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). If Sarahs Spider-web is also a higher dimensional model for the structure of the universe, it is quite consistent with the fundamental workings of String Theory as 24 governs the precise number of ways the vibrating String can stretch, bend and contract. The initiate had to successfully find the correct path through the labyrinths numerous pitfalls, obstacles and traps. Moreover, two numbers are always multiplied by each other, leaving a product that is then partitioned, and the partitioned numbers are then added together resulting in a sum. Moreover, upside-down pillars can be found all about the House. Like Bacon, Sarah uses encryption code to guide us to higher levels of insight. William Wirt Winchester (1837 March 7, 1881) was the second president of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company from 1880 to 1881. What do you say when calling to check on an application? For personal and mathematical reasons, he elected to have that number represent his last name rather than the number 6. Coons further instructed Sarah that the angry spirits demanded that she move to California and build them a house. John also served as a temporary vessel for the Archangel Michael and a temporary vessel for the demon Azazel in said demons first true onscreen appearance. Born in 1840 in New Haven, Connecticut, Sarah Lockwood Pardee married William Wirt Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, manufacturer of one of the very first repeating rifles, at age 22. Significant dates; Designated CHISL: This is symbolically important as the east represents the source of Light (Knowledge and Wisdom). Gradually, the Winchester patriarch amassed a considerable fortune. William Wirt Winchester is best known as the son of the owner of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, Oliver Winchester. Because we are already familiar with Numerological Tables, we know that in displaying the numbers 1 through 9, Sarah is alluding to the Pythagorean Table. So, we now multiply 52 x 777, resulting in 40404, i.e. Sarah Pardee Winchester, age unknown. Upon her husbands death in 1881, Sarah Winchester inherited 50 percent of the Winchester family fortune, estimated to be worth $20 million. They welcomed a daughter, their only child, four years later; sadly, she only lived six weeks. Moreover, we have the numbers 11 and 7 standing side-by-side. We easily see the correlation to the names Anne Pardee (47 in the Pythagorean Cipher), and Hiram (47, Simple Cipher). Because the number 16 simplifies to 7, we may view these three concentric rings as 777 (instead of 16 16 16). Sources. This led to her having a sexual relationship with him. Thus, Young Sarah and William found themselves studying virtually the same curriculum under very similar circumstances. Next, she observed 7 horizontal squares, 7 vertical squares and 7 diagonal squares, rendering the number 777. He left Lawrence with his sons, Sam and Dean. So, to be on the safe side, well just call this myth and move on. Bacons dream of unlocking all of natures secrets requires our understanding of the dynamics of higher dimensional mathematics. The Shakespearean Windows. The artwork on the magazines cover featured a crescent moon in its waxing stage. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven. Francis Bacons Coat of Arms with crescent moon brand on the boar at the top, Because it is shaped like the Roman Numeral 100 (Lunate Sigma), Bacon used the crescent moon as another devise to represent his nameand we are reminded of Bacons words in Sonnet 111: Thence comes it that my name receives a brand.. When Sarah Pardee met William Wirt Winchester, he'd already amassed a fortune manufacturing shirts with his father, Oliver. We are forced to ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or as the number 77 ? Here, she is affirming her Theosophical point of view. Stonehenge is built precisely on the spot where 13 describes the, hypotenuse of a triangle (the sides being 5 and 12) with the base at the Blue Stone, in Wales and at Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel. However, both Richard and Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out. For Richard, this is meant figuratively, but for Sarah, the interpretation took on a more literal meaning. Once the folklore is set aside the bare bones of Sarahs mystery are more easy to examine. The pyramids, for example, are built according to the growth of the, number 13. Time could speed up, slow down or stand still. This is critical to understanding both Sarahs motivation and thinking. It is literally the Key to Phi. We can clearly see that this is a ball-like feature, and not a circle. After the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, of tuberculosis in 1881, Sarah decided to leave the East Coast to be with family. The easy riser steps are still a popular feature at the Winchester Mystery House, and they were installed because of Mrs. Winchesters arthritis, which allowed her to lift her feet only a few inches. The reason we know about Sarahs algorithm is because she incorporated an ingenious calculating device into the House that clearly demonstrates how higher dimensional math works. The fascinating mansion is still owned by the family (families?) Hence, 5 and 6 combined = 11. The House was lit with carbide gas lights that were supplied by its own gas manufacturing plant. The Winchester Mystery House is in San Jose, California, United States. William told his wife she had to leave immediately and, since the ghosts would follow her, she had to build a house that would confound them. Like all of the other anomalous features we find in the House, Sarah wanted the display of apparent irregularity in the Shakespearean Windows to utterly shock our sensibilities. 4, 22, 31, 58, 85, 67, 76, 49, 94, 121, 112, 211, or 1111, etc. If warps in space were the cause of natural forces such as electromagnetism and gravity, the structure of space had to conform to a higher dimensional curvature. Lets examine them. Upon her marriage to William, Sarahs numbers reached a higher level of completion. Then, we see the triangles all sharing a 13th piece within the circle. This left Sarah as the heir to the Winchester Repeating Rifle Company. We are to view the two 7s as the number 77. The 13th bathroom has 13 steps leading up to its entrance. In the center of each window we see the Glass of Bacons muse, the goddess Pallas Athena. On a superficial level, the inscription on the left is Sarahs way of saying Open Sesame to our mindsand, Welcome to my puzzle. The inscription in the right window is Sarahs way of saying Once you solve my puzzle, pass the truth on to others.. Escher wrote: The spherical world cannot exist without the emptiness around it, not only, because inside presumes outside but also because in the nothing lie the, strict, geometrically determined, immaterial middle points of arcsThere is, something in such laws that takes the breath away. In fact, she has already done it for us. In order to protect herself, William said that Sarah must "build a home for [herself] and for the spirits who have fallen from this terrible weapon. After the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, of tuberculosis in 1881, Sarah decided to leave the East Coast to be with family. At the same time that Sarah was growing up, a young man was also maturing in another prominent New Haven family. And as we have previously seen, 21 consists of three 7s, or 777. Source: Gun Company Owner Moreover, each of the 7 turns represents a progressively higher degree of enlightenment. Moreover, Bacon applied the theme of concealment to everything he touchedincluding his own life (the same was equally true of Sarah Winchester). Sarahs love of Geometry and specific symmetric numbers is prominently displayed throughout the House. She inherited a whopping $20 million, equivalent to over $500 million in 2019 dollars. In order to discover its underlying meaning, one must follow the path of the initiate. But the pice de rsistance might be the house's 13th bathroom, which contains 13 windows of its own. Then, 84 x 11 = 924. 20 = Sarah (Pythagorean Cipher). It is prominently displayed at the top of a 13 step staircase. Young Sarahs most distinguishing characteristic was that she was everything but ordinary. Oliver Winchester The simplest mathematical expression of cubical symmetry is 111111, which Sarah hoped we would discover by simply multiplying the number 11 x 777 x 13. Tuberculosis William Wirt Winchester/Cause of death William died in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 7, 1881, of tuberculosis. However, none of the symmetries can exist without the unifying power of the circle at the webs center. While she was presumably looking for solace or closure, she was instead given a chilling warning. She eventually recovered, but a little more than 10 years later, in 1881, tragedy struck again when William died of tuberculosis. Inspired by actual events are the first words audiences see in Winchester, which opened in theaters Friday, and thats the most dangerous phrase in any filmmakers arsenal. With regard to Sarahs reason for building the House the way she did, author Ralph Rambo states: The great question is yet to be answered,Why? Moreover, Riemanns new view predicted the existence of a forth spatial dimension. The birth of the Winchesters daughter, Anne Pardee Winchester (in 1866) resulted in a new set of numbers for Sarah to deal with. As we have seen, this became the second code number he used to represent his last name. But the most that can be said with accuracy was that she was a private person. As a matter of practicality, I will hereafter refer to them as Winchester numbers.. But why bother looking beyond the superficial orthodox Folklore when its much more convenient to embrace the myth, and keep reciting the mantra well never know what Mrs. Winchesters thoughts and motives were. However, historians and archeologists would sharply disagree, particularly when the person of interest has deliberately gone to great lengths to leave a well designed trail of clues and artifacts to follow. For example, 52 x 88 = 4,576. A new room was recently discovered at San Jose's Winchester Mystery House, the Victorian mansion that was once home to Sarah Winchester. Her concept of initiation closely parallels the Masonic and Rosicrucian method of subjecting the initiate to a series of progressive steps or Degrees in which he is forced to develop his powers of intuition and insight. The dynamic principle governing the spider-webs intricate workings us to achieve a understanding... In Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven family Sarah wanted to leave to posterity ascends a Winding Staircase leading into Temple... Silicon Valley bars and nightclubs layout was meant to how did william wirt winchester die the ghosts, allowing Sarah some and... And Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the Kabbalist Atbash Cipher i.e... Facing north with no perceivable source of light profound way Glass of muse... Suspects that Sarah was just an ardentalbeit eccentricphilanthropist who used her family fortune to purposefully the... 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