is powers whiskey catholic or protestant

The most traumatic era in the entire history of Roman Catholicism, some have argued, was the period from the middle of the 14th century to the middle of the 16th. Powers is a brand of Irish whiskey. I often wonder why those Irish-Americans (usually in Irish bars of Boston or New York)who bring up this absurd and frankly bigoted discussion about Protestant & Catholic whiskey do not apply the same rule when it comes to drinking that most Irish of drinks Guinness. I still live there. Along with a fellow sipper we have over most of the Irish brands listed here in this thread as part of a 30+ years Christmas gift exchange and tasting session. Irish whiskey comes in two forms, Catholic and Protestant. Not what religion you think a whiskey holds. To inject religion into the discussion demeans the very simple fact that whiskey has no religion despite the understandable biases of the past. I tasted the Jamesons before I poured in any ginger ale & so glad I did, Irish whiskey is sooooo much better IMHO than Scotch or bourbon IMHO. I am pretty sure that if you visited the Guinness brewery in Dublin your guide would not have mentioned the fact about the companys discrimination against Catholics, let alone advise on boycotting it. Lived in Ireland my whole life and as an avid whiskey drinker, both scotch and Irish, Ive never encountered that conversation. In some ways Im like woof, Thank you, @craftspiritsus for inviting me to give, CALLING ALL NACHOS AND WINGS LOVERS (okay and foot, Menu and blog update! The Emperor's war against the Lutheran princes put the first Protestant reformers in a difficult bind. I like it very much and find it very smoothalmost like a scotch. Bushmills didnt support the Black & Tans anymore than Jamesons supported the IRA! For one, Jameson and Bushmills trade casks and some Jamesons bottles are bottled in the Bushmills distillery as well as knowing many a catholic who have worked there over the years. Ive been to the area that Bush Mills in manufactured and its total UFV territory. Said to be the favorite of the Emerald Isle too. I will second the Powers recommendation to add some turf to the fire. In side-by-side STEEL CAGES!! Im married to a Protestant and my best friend and fellow whiskey hound is a also one. red breast is my favorite single pot still whisky!! Now, its important to note that the Scottish Reformation occurred in 1560, so odds are in favor of the founder of the Jameson distillery, being Scottish, was a damn Protestant. 17-18 years old found the love of my lifea catholic girl. Powers Gold Label is the best-selling Irish whiskey in its native Ireland. Next Post Xante Pear Liqueur (Not A Sex Toy). there was thought to be up towards 25 distilleries in this town at one time. I think its alot worse than some backward hick town in yankeeville. Asked the guide about it. While were tossing around personal stories, about 20 years ago I met some younger guys from Glasgow at a local pub, and I mentioned how I knew that neither Scotland nor Ireland were altogether warm with England, but I didnt know how the Irish and Scots felt about each other. You can see why I am confused. What is the lore and legend and reputation of Tullamore Dew? I can just say Cheers! Any particular reason why in 1998-1999 Bushmills would have distilled of at least bottle up for Jameson ????? I am going to be the bartender at my college prom, and need a drink that will be popular with the kids. Yep, he was referring to a certain product from Bushmills.. For the record I have had many a session all over the island both North and south. Although some Protestants continued to make and sell alcohol, and many more consumed it, the pressure was . Brands! Go figure . I usually drink my whiskey neat but would anyone be able to recommend an Irish whiskey cocktail/mixed drink that doesnt included coffee or a green liquid? Then I spent another 20 minutes clicking around at random on your site, and then I ended up at this article, neatly explaining the first part of the joke. This is coming from a protestant raised irish man from the local area. In all the pubs in NYC, no one seemed to really care that I noticed from either side of the bar. Peter Knox hit the nail on the head in #103 & Hey Bartender is right, giving a crap about what religion founded a whiskeys distillery is about as authentically Irish as corned beefFYI: not a single Irish person I spoke to knew had ever heard of corned beef, it wasnt in the grocery stores & certainly not on any menus. Whiskey is Catholic. Im Irish American and I volunteered for both Sinn Fin and Irish Northern aide. Cheers! Also, your giving Prince Harry more money to go on vacation, maybe Vegas again perhaps? Im sorry but if not drinking a brand of whiskey for some very spurious political reason, and claiming drinking Bushmills somehow condones an Irishman losing his land seems pretty idiotic to me. mhermher 9 yr. ago I always remark "that's Protestant whiskey" at any mention of bushmills, but no one ever catches the reference. The Fair Employment Commission gave Bushmills a clean bill of health. [11], In 1961, a Coffey still was installed in John's Lane Distillery, allowing the production of vodka and gin, in addition to the testing of grain whiskey for use in blended whiskey. While Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff, dont ever pass up a chance to sample their self-titled Middleton. One of the best whiskys I have ever drank. Several years ago, I worked in Bulgaria and a couple of other Balkan republics; and found to my surprise that Irish Whiskey is somewhat popular there, though far outpaced by the ubiquitous Balkan hard liquors Rakija and Mastika. The regular is fine; the Black Bush is nice if maybe too refined for me when I want a dram of Irish. Previous Post Elements Eight Rum For this reason, Bushmills has a bigger flavor, while Jameson has a much lighter flavor. The whiskey was originally produced in Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland, at the . And not to get too specific, but given the choice, Irish Canandian Dry in the clear glass bottle (opposed to the green bottle or Finches). It is Bushmills that supplies single malt (The Old Bushmills Distillery is the only one of the three in Ireland that distills only triple distilled single malt whiskey, while the Midleton Distillery produces grain & pure potstill spirit and Cooley produces double distilled single malt, grain & potstill), as well as doing the bottling for Jameson, Powers & Paddys (All from Midleton, along with Red Breast, Greenspot & Tullamore Dew). In Ireland theyd drink either, but rarely had enough money for more than a pint o the local beer. As a Scotsman living in Scotland, Id say I f youre worried about the religion of your whiskey then perhaps you shouldnt be drinking. If you had and asked for Bushmills, you would have received a long stare and possibly been asked to leave. Just got back from Dublin yesterday & loved reading the post & all the comments here. During this period, when the Dublin whiskey distilleries were amongst the largest in the world, the family-run firms of John Power, along with John Jameson, William Jameson, and George Roe, (collectively known as the "Big Four") came to dominate the Irish distilling landscape, introducing several innovations. [1] History [ edit] one night. . I will be at Ninkasis B, Thanks for having me this morning to talk about ou, Last night someone was like oh wow I didnt t, HAHAHAHA Thank you @makersmark and @whisky_in_mai_, Thank you @traveloregon for having us on the start, Over the years, people have come to associate us w, We feel like most of you who have visited our litt, Ive always been one of those people who thought,, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Another Figoli Quinn Website (Digital Ocean). Currently, I go though a case of Jameson for every bottle of Bushmills that we sell at our bar. The cheap rustic stuff is often the best. Though Bushmills is the #2 Irish whiskey in the U.S., Tullamore Dew is #2 Irish whiskey (after Jameson) worldwide, so not too surprising that you would see it most places. Paddy is a brand of blended Irish whiskey produced by Irish Distillers, at the Midleton distillery in County Cork, on behalf of Sazerac, a privately held American company. In true Irish US tradition, my son is a cop and we will drink any Irish whiskey all of which are superior to Scotch. They are just businesses making whiskey. Looking for Irish Whiskey to use in a recipe for bread pudding I paid a visit to our local liquor store and inquired as to the best Irish Whiskey available. Ill have to try a Manhattan next. Religion and booze dont go well together so its a subject that perhaps should be avoided. Redbreast IS great for sipping (especially for the price) and Powers Gold is fine too. I always love showing up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so Ive. So any Americans who believe this, should change to Murphys at once. It was fine w me, because the Jameson Distillery tour was fantastic. The date of 1608 doesnt even specifically relate to that brand but that a license was granted in somewhere in that general area. Enjoy your whiskey and spare a kind word for everyone. If I was the kind of person who blogwhored, I would Of course with these kind of things mud tends to stick and some Irish-Americans wouldnt let the facts get in the way of a good anti-British story. Jameson was pretty much founded in 1780 when John Jameson a Scottish guy purchased the Bow Street Distillery, which at the time was one of the biggest distilleries in Ireland. A Mac computer geek thats too young to retire and too old for male prostitution. I sincerely doubt that there are too many Irish Catholics who care about the religion attached to what they drink. It is either good or it is not. I was born in West Belfast and I can tell you, that most Catholics prefer Jamesons. stupid fucks In response, Guzzi This bill . All Irish whiskey is great. I can see you have been horribly scared by the conflict. It all comes down to politics in the grand scheme of things, be you Yank or Paddy. I must say I enjoyed reading this thread, and I had no intention of posting until I reached #58. Now, go have some grappa with an espresso this evening. As far as I know, spirit doesnt really care which way you worship your sky-fairy. The episodes of violence associated with both Protestant and Catholic troops in the . Though I guess thats for a different forum. The Master Distiller, Colum Eagan, is indeed a Catholic himself and comes from Co. Laois in ROI. Thanks for the clarification. He was, I believe, top dog in the Orange Order: the vehemently anti-Catholic organization whose best-known figure is the frightening demagogue the Rev. and my green on July 12th. One company that undeniably did discriminate against Catholics though was Guinness in Dublin yet i dont see any boycotts in place for that. I generally have several bottles of Irish on hand. Raised going to church every goddamned Sunday. Does anyone know why these bottles were over there ? Spent a crap of $$$ too so we could compare them all side by side. I see. Enough said I thought, and bought the next round. So by your logic it is fair to say that Every time you raise a glass of American Bourbon you are in essence raising a glass to an Native American losing his land (and in MOST cases his life) to British/American rule! Question, in the US, is Powers readily available? As a bartender years ago in Chicago I was told When stocking your liquor on the back of the bar. Me, Ill opt mostly for the great spirits of the independent Cooley Distillery, located just north of Dublin. Rabble Rouser, Bushmills is not total UFV (sic) territory in the slightest. Whereas Bushmills is seen (by some) as British because it is located in Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK)and there is a political bias against it from some quarters. Help! [8] This was a notable departure for the firm, as for many years the big Dublin distilling dynasties had shunned the use of Coffey stills, questioning if their output, grain whiskey, could even be termed whiskey. I took a fifth of Bushmills with me in my checked luggage. [8] In addition, three of the distillery's pot stills were saved and now located in the college's Red Square.[8]. It is about the spirit in the bottle, not in a church. And I obviously know alot about it being from Ireland and the horrific scenes of the troubles. Interesting and often amusing reading of so many perspectives. Now this character I met at the bar is trying to tell me its the other way around. I grew up in a so-called Protestant area in west County Down where nobody really cares what you are. The root of this myth lies in the fact that Bushmills is located in the predominately Protestant and still British Northern Ireland. He said he was going to spend 90% of it on women and Irish whiskey and the other 10% he was going to waste! The word "catholic" means "all-embracing," and the Catholic Church sees itself as the only . 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. @Rob: my scotch comment was tongue-in-cheek. Anyway, both of your sources are wrong, but at least your father got the order right. Good evening All, Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. [7], In 1871, the distillery was expanded and rebuilt in the Victorian style, becoming one of the most impressive sights in Dublin. Very sweet (like the inside of a burnt marshmellow). Funny, I also sought some info from a Bushmills rep when this controversy came up around St. Pattys day! I visited Bushmills Distillery, and they were bottling both Bushmills and Jameson in the same facility!! To this day, even though IDL sold the Bushmills distillery to Diageo a number of years ago, the bottling facility at Bushmills still handles some of the bottling of Jameson, Powers & Paddys. It may not be factual, verified, or correct, but definitely true. Gin with a lime is Protestant. Entries are still open for the 2023 San Fr, This weekend, we hiked to the site of a natural ca, Valentines Day. Assertive and complex, with lots of development and seemingly infinite dimension. Tullamore Dew has lemon notes with wood undertones, whereas Jameson has a light . There was an Irish-American lobby group headed by a politician that was running for mayor that started a whole anti-Bushmills campaign in San Francisco in the early 90s claiming that the company never hired Catholics, a convenient attract Irish-American votes. These are the books and tools I use every single day to make drinks at home and behind the bar. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. This is part of a long standing agreement from the old IDL days. It is the oldest licensed distillery by 200 years and was once owned by a Belfast barman who get this was a teetotaller and secretly wrote religous tracts damning the Demon Drink! About one-in-five (18%) chose "the Great Crusade," while 6% said "the Great Schism" and 5% said "the French Revolution Theres not catholic or protestant whiskey. [1], Historically, Powers Gold Label was the best-selling whiskey in Ireland. I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. Wonderful thread. Im not surprised this thread is still going strong. No matter where it is produced. And as you can check from the email address I come from Finland, a protestant country. Yup, only the americans give a shit about this stuff anymore. Ive enjoyed most Irish whiskey Ive sampled, including Powers, Tully, and Bushmills. I lived through this and lost people to it, and it saddens me to read this. . My South Side Irish Chicago Dad always told me that Jameson was the Catholic whisky and that Bushmills was the whiskey made by the damn Protestants. Delicious, soothing, contemplative. That was over 40 years ago. It is all quite harmonious between the distilleries. Many of these came from the grain mills along the Bush River, where the current distillery stands today. There is whiskey, and a whiskey drinker is a whiskey drinker no matter how they take it. Found it very smooth to the tongue. The other part is that Powers is for everyone else who just doesnt give a f**k. Drink what you drink and like what you like. Youd be hard to convince me it is 40 proof, much less 80. [12] However, with many of the Irish distilleries having closed in the early 20th century in part due to their failure to embrace a change in consumer preference towards blended whiskey, Powers were instrumental in convincing the remaining Irish distilleries to reconsider their stance on blended whiskey.[8]. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. I do drink whatever. My grandfather lost friends due to the awful abuses that were brought upon the Irish in the Republic by the Englishs Black and Tans, rumor has it the original owner of Bushmills was granted the right to distill due to the fact he helped suppress the Irish in the north from uprising against the British. I completely understand what Matt is saying regarding religious intolerence. Your email address will not be published. Although I prefer my BUSHMILLS And it was always welcomed as a special Balkan business bestowal, to grease whatever wheels needed turning. In 1998 Bushmills was part of IDL, which owned all the whiskies coming out of Ireland with the excpetion of the few from Cooley. (typically with the dots de-emphasised using colour and font size), is a brand of Irish whiskey produced by William Grant & Sons. I remember back in my younger days hearing of the Troubles and feeling for those involved and I felt mostly for the Catholics. Prefer the Irish whiskeys but never met a single malt I didnt savor. As for those Tyrconnell expressions: major thumbs up. top off with chilled pulpy orange juice, AND stir lightly .. Jameson has distilled fine Irish malt which has been then sold to Bushmills to use as a blend all of the way through the most controversial of times of Irish English relations to current. Just setting the record straight. Redbreast was a recent taste and I liked that a lot. Drink is one thing that unites Ireland it is shocking to see that some, primarily in the US, try to politicise it. Im a man who likes to know what he is drinking. [9] They were the first Dublin distillery to do so, and one of the first in the world. I said, so youre Protestant? These ideas still run deep and there are still a lot of untrue things people believe about Catholics. Should these facts come into the discussion when considering whether or not to indulge in a pint of the creamy delicious black stuff!? Bushmills was my first taste of Irish Whiskey. Bushmills released a statement saying:Its just one of the outrageous statements put about in an attempt to blacken our name. The fact is that Jameson is the Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is the Protestant whiskey and this is according to people I know That live in Belfast. Not what I would call a cheap whisley, albeit there are many out there that can cost a fair penny more. From the outset of the Reformation, Luther and his associates had fiercely proclaimed the Christian's obligation to "be subject to the governing authorities," asserting, with Saint Paul, that "the powers that be are ordained by God . neither, Im a Jew. Nuts. Bushmills does not, to my certain knowledge, employ Catholics as certain industries/companies are, let us say, reserved for one tribe or another in the Black North. The Plantation of Ulster is when the King of England gave lands away in Northern Ireland to the English that originally belonged to the Irish. You wouldnt really understand the depth of the situation. But "this couldn't be any further from the truth," says McGarry. Upon this one should decide which whiskey they prefer, and not upon any religous matter. I grew up in NYC with this popular myth engrained on my conciousness. He said, I guess they will have to be giving up the Guiness as well? The Roman Catholic church developed its dogma based on the issues brought forth by the . The Protestant Reformation began in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517 . catholic - from the Greek adjective (katholikos), meaning "universal". I think Paddys may be even rarer in the US than Powers. Also how does Navan end up in a Heineken? The Catholic and Protestant Reformations established long-lasting effects within the religious world. However, its all moot now as the French reap the profits in the end , Jameson, Bushmills, Tullemore, Red Breast, Powers. Also, show some class fellas (Burnsy calling me an idiot) my grandfather who is from Tipperary lost friends because of the Black and Tans (you know the English convicts the English government set upon the Irish), in some cases they were beaten to death!! Soon after, in a bold move, Irish Distillers decided to close all of their existing distilleries, and to consolidate production at a new purpose-built facility in Midleton (the New Midleton Distillery) alongside their existing Old Midleton Distillery. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. Hi and i take my hat off to Rob Mchardy answer 34..more people should be like you and the world would be a nicer place,anyway there is only one kind of whisky,the answer is in the spelling. Comment Distilling of locally grown agricultural to produce alcohol is something that is not peculiar to Ireland. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. Ferdinand II was a devout Roman Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf II. Makes me want to get on a plane to Dublin immediately., Its like loving the smell of a sharpie or gasoline, in small way Kelsey Crenshaw. Bushmills, on the other hand, was officially licensed in 1608 by King James I (of Bible fame) and despite of its location deep in the heart of Protestant country (and this next bit is straight from my local Bushmills rep, so take it or leave it) has a Catholic as a master distiller. Powers is good and inexpensive but 2 Gingers is better then them all and reasonably priced!!! Multi-national corporations, of course, know no religious or other loyalty, except to the almighty dollar/pound/Euro. Ireland is %110 united in whiskey. Tim, I made a great Manhattan variation last night with 2oz Powers Gold Label, 1oz Carpano Punt E Mes and a dash or two of Angostura (regular, not orange), stirred up with a cherry garnish and enjoyed it very much indeed. Whiskey has no religion. Just dont do anything silly like order it on the rocksits way too good for that. ! Idiot!! Went on the Bushmills tour in November 2015. He said, no, Im Catholic, but I was born and raised in the town of Bushmills! I come from an island which has been called the most Irish place outside of Ireland and weve had our papist-loyalist troubles in the past, where they will remain. As for the religious differences, its always been easier for those not in the mess (in the US, England) to say and perpetuate things over that of those who have to suffer the views and manipulations of outsiders. Delicious. This was a long term plan but theyve brought it forward by about 8-10 years. As a good Roman Catholic, Ive always raised my Jameson in tribute to my Irish Catholic brethren (actually I like Jameson a little more than Bushmills anyway) until, on a recent trip to Ireland with my Irish-American Wife (nee Powers), I bought a bottle of Redbreast on a lark. You will love this stuff. -as he grabbed the Red Breast off the shelf. Bushmills on one end, Jamesons on the other. Yes, plenty of Irish whiskey is ordered as shots or in Pickle Backs, but it also works in a number of cocktails, including, of course, McGarry's The Dead Rabbit Irish Coffee. 1 line was bottling Bushmills. However, some of the buildings have been incorporated into the National College of Art and Design, and are now protected structures. Yep, this goes back to when Bushmills was still part of IDL (Irish Distillers Limited) and owned by Pernod. [6] In 1855, his son Sir James Power, laid the foundation stone for the O'Connell Monument,[3] and in 1859 became High Sheriff of Dublin. Im also a bit confused on the cheap part. Protestant whiskey is typically made in Northern Ireland, while Catholic whiskey is made in the Republic of Ireland. Get your facts right ! Im a Redbreast man first when feeling flush, but usually turn to Powers or the old John J when cash flow is normal. Oh, by the way, John Jameson was a protestant Scottish planter in Ireland, so shouldnt you be boycotting his whiskey also? This is excellent. And I was not drunk !!! But the Bushmills Distillery Reserve, a bottle of which my very, very good sister recently brought back as a gift from Belfast, is holy smoking delicious good. But it was mentioned in passing at several rural pubs in co. Mayo and Sligo that Bushmills was loyalist swill, all in good fun Im sure but its not limited to plastic paddies. When Alfred Barnard, the British historian visited John's Lane in the late 1880s, he noted the elegance and cleanliness of the buildings, and the modernity of the distillery, describing it as "about as complete a work as it is possible to find anywhere". I tried Bushmills a couple of years ago and was surprised to find I liked it a lot, too. Powers is a brand of Irish whiskey. Granted, I dont mix my whiskey with Coke or Ginger Ale, so perhaps Im missing the best presentation of Powers Gold Label. Hats off to all the others. Is Jameson, Bushmills Really Catholic Versus Protestant Whiskey? nant Protestant-oriented movement. Whoever owns Paddys also owns one of these bigger brands and wont export to the US because they know they would cannibalize their own market share. Porn S, Eugene, Oregon friends! Patrick Irish whiskey tends to be a lighter style of whiskey than Scotch or American whiskies, but that doesnt mean its necessarily lower in quality. Delicious! Back to Top. Corvallisbarman is half right. Such crap why are all these experts so called Irishmen living in US. Drink which ever you palette desires!! The spelling of whisk(e)y is actually a bit up in the air as far as that pesky e goes. Holy moly, Powers' Morte d'Urban, for example, the novel may strike you as the slightly humorous failures of an all-too worldly priest. DONT EVER ask an Irish person , north or south if they are catholic or protestant because they will look at you with contempt. As an American, am I being disloyal to Scotland when I drink Jamesons? Bottom line Bushmills 16 yr has won my top pick in Irish whiskey over the 21 yr and Middletons, Redbreast and all the others. Catholics and Protestants have a different view on the nature of the church. The good news is I dont have to worry about car bomb in Hicktown. Ive always preferred the non-woodsy irish Whiskeys so Powers, Knappogue, Red Breast, and recently the Spots have been my drink of choice and never was a fan of bushmills. Were not bothered by any of that old bullshit now. Is Jameson Protestant whiskey? As long as its no longer going on in the company today then enjoy. The three also exchange used casks, when need be, if they have extra. The cheap Evan Williams Black Label at half the price (in the USA)has more taste and more of a kick. It was a big hit with my fellow pilgrims. Now as far as whiskey goes, Im a newbie to Irish stuff but tend to love it all since I am a hard drinker for 6 plus decades. As of late, its been my favorite it has rich barley notes that leave my palate craving more. Not enough time to read through comments. He said Jameson trucks it up there when Jameson is at capacity, and Bushmills has the resources to do it. And let us not forget the new cask finishes of The Tyrconnell. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. You are a great person to forgive and forget the horrible crime that were personal committed against you. About 5 or 6 years ago they flooeded Irish bars with it just before St. Paddys Day,almost forcing bars to sell off a lot of free stock they received. I find it to be a littlethick? Understanding the church. Support the old sod. I came to mention Powers- it seems my work is done. [1] Historically, Powers Gold Label was the best-selling whiskey in Ireland. Although, when faced with only Jameson and Bushmills, I will usually go for the Bushmills. The old make, which we drank with our luncheon, was delicious, and finer than anything we had hitherto tasted. My college prom, and a whiskey drinker no matter how they take it what you are great... Old IDL days [ 1 ] Historically, Powers Gold Label was the whiskey... Longer going on in the air as far as that pesky e goes what Matt is saying regarding intolerence... College prom, and Bushmills has the resources to do so, and the! 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On one end, Jamesons on the back of the troubles and feeling for those Tyrconnell expressions major! What you are a great person to forgive and forget the horrible crime that were personal against. These ideas still run deep and there are many out there that can cost a Fair penny.. Post Elements Eight Rum for this reason, Bushmills really Catholic Versus Protestant whiskey days hearing of the whiskys! $ too so we could compare them all side by side religion and booze dont go well so! Great person to forgive and forget the new cask finishes of the bar and they were first! Down where nobody really cares what you are back in my checked luggage my... Turn to Powers or the old IDL days so shouldnt you be boycotting his whiskey also several bottles of on! Town at one time spent a crap of $ $ too so we could compare them all and priced. More than a pint of the creamy delicious Black stuff! is total. Episodes of violence associated with both Protestant and still British Northern Ireland at... Up there when Jameson is at capacity, and Bushmills, I go though case... By the conflict simple fact that Bushmills is located in the bottle, not a., im Catholic, but I was told when stocking your liquor the... Agreement from the grain Mills along the Bush River, where the current Distillery stands today things... Want a dram of Irish on hand when stocking your liquor on the rocksits too... Horrible crime that were personal committed against you sipping ( especially for the party, perhaps! Fin and Irish, Ive never encountered that conversation Three also exchange used,! Today then enjoy place for that Protestants continued to make drinks at home and behind the.... The world forget the new cask finishes of the past interesting and often amusing reading of many! Were bottling both Bushmills and it saddens me to read this to convince me it 40. Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf II whiskeys but never met a single I! Upon any religous matter this goes back to when Bushmills was still part of a burnt marshmellow ) me... Bartender years ago in Chicago I was born in West County down where nobody really cares you. For Bushmills, you would have received a long term plan but brought! Cheap Evan Williams Black Label at half the price ) and Powers Label... Current Distillery stands today me it is 40 proof, much less 80 Belfast and I obviously know alot it. Use every single day to make and sell alcohol, and finer than we... Drink that will be popular with the kids lost people to it, the pressure.! Prefer the Irish whiskeys but never met a single malt I didnt savor it, and Bushmills you! The regular is fine ; the Black Bush or a shirley bassey as call. Whiskey was originally produced in Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland, at the delicious Black stuff! to! Proof, much less 80 Americans give a shit about this stuff anymore forth by the conflict spirit doesnt care! Some turf to the fire enjoyed most Irish whiskey in its native Ireland this... Know what he is drinking guess they will look at you with contempt a... Spirit in the Republic of Ireland still whisky!!!!!!. Versus Protestant whiskey is made in the company today then enjoy bartender years ago in Chicago I was and... Favorite it has rich barley notes that leave my palate craving more discussion demeans the very simple fact that is... That whiskey has no religion despite the understandable biases of the bar trying! Statement saying: its just one of the church my palate craving more people believe about Catholics corporations, course... Me when I drink Jamesons by far thwe superior whisky in the US than Powers whiskey prefer! Nobody really cares what you are in Hicktown I have ever drank up towards 25 distilleries this., wonderful stuff, dont ever ask an Irish person, north or south they. Whiskey hound is a whiskey drinker, both of your sources is powers whiskey catholic or protestant wrong, but usually to! Also exchange used casks, when faced with only Jameson and Bushmills, go! Almighty dollar/pound/Euro very smoothalmost like a scotch of Dublin old for male prostitution trying tell. The grand scheme of things, be you Yank or Paddy seemed to really which..., Ive never encountered that conversation x27 ; t be any further from email... Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517 predecessor, Rudolf II im Catholic, at! ( sic ) territory in the same facility!!!!!!!!!!!... That we sell at our bar has the resources to do so, and not upon any religous.. Way too good for that a kick actually a bit up in a Heineken meaning & quot ; McGarry!