pros and cons of celebrating holidays in the classroom

Louise Derman-Sparks, MA,has worked with children and adults in early childhood education for more than 50 years and is a faculty emerita of Pacific Oaks College. Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. 1. 5 Tips for Incorporating Holidays in Your Lessons, Homework for Beginning ESL Students: 8 Tips for Success, Vocabulary, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Activities for ELLs, How to Integrate Higher-Order Thinking Skills Into Your ELL Lesson Plans. In October, I draw a large circular calendar and mark October 31. The most important and common aspects are listed below. We also dance around the Maypole. Celebrations can be respectfulfor example, Honoring Our Families get-togethers; Thanking the People Who Make Our School Work (cook, janitor, bus driver, etc.) For example, for many Jewish people, Passover is a more significant holiday than Hanukkah, but Hanukkah is the Jewish holiday that teachers often cover since it occurs near Christmas. At my school, this lines up with our four pillars: knowledge, community, effort, and kindness. First, look at some of the cons for having technology integration in the classroom: Every child has a computer or tablet and the teacher is explaining what they will be doing that dayestablishing "set" or explaining what the day's lesson will be about, but Sally is fiddling with her tech device and not paying attention. One can teach about the holidays from October all the way through May, beginning with the harvest and the holidays of Halloween and Diwali and ending with the rituals of Passover, Easter, and May Day. Hold multicultural celebrations - Recognizing the diverse beliefs of children in a given classroom should extend beyond the month of December. The best reason to move during the holidays - you will save money. You serve as Leader. This website uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience. Kids who can't participate in the costume party can feel left out or uncomfortable. Some of the most prominent are African-American History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Women's History Month. Taking days off here and there can provide students with the mental break they need to be engaged when they go back to school. One of the benefits of school holidays is the time that families can spend together. Explore accreditationofearly childhood higher education programs, discover the accreditation system standards, and view a list ofaccredited programs. Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 says employers cant discriminate based on religion, and must reasonably accommodate employees sincerely held religious practices unless it will cause the employer an undue hardship. That means people cant be fired because their religion forbids them from working on the Sabbath, but it also means companies arent required to let the entire staff take off the entire week of Christmas. It does mean that you make choices that do not disrespect or leave out any family. Learn how SHRM Certification can accelerate your career growth by earning a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. CONS Please log in as a SHRM member. Copyright 2014, Bayard, Inc. All rights reserved. Knowing the purpose and worldview underlying a holiday will help you make decisions about what role, if any, you want that holiday to play in your program. Some schools also have graduation ceremonies or Youre Off to Kindergarten parties for children transitioning out of the programs. Here are some ideas to help you highlight multicultural and religious holidays appropriately, and select the right activities and materials: When it comes to religious holidays or traditions, what is their appropriate place in the curriculum? Having taught about holidays for the better part of 15 years in four schools, I have rarely been questioned but know theres always the potential concerned parent. Step #1: Save My Cart if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) { Published October 9, 2017. Learn about the rich Vietnamese culture. When Henry Ford gave his workers a five-day week in 1926, having Saturdays off was seen as a revolutionary shift to the typical workweek. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. 5 cons of having technology in the classroom Photo credit : Markus Spiske 1. Donate to help NAEYC advance a strong and dynamic early childhood profession and connect educators to cutting-edge resources. You'll miss home. The government or public action in question must not actively promote or prohibit religion. This leveled collection of readers covers a range of weather- and season-related topics, from frigid snow to warm sun rays. According to Gallup, employee recognition can boost productivity by 14 percent, increase profit by 18 percent, and grow customer satisfaction by 10 percent. First Amendment Centers Finding Common Ground, Be open to answering questions from students, talk with students about mindfulness and reflection, explore how light and shadow work while celebrating Diwali. Some of the guidelines urge educators to: The complete guide and a more comprehensive list of recommendations is available at the First Amendment Center website. In addition, some Muslims and members of other religions not only refrain from alcohol but can be offended by its very presence, and so may not want to attend a party where alcohol is served, Holder noted. That includes: So at the point we decide that we want to implement more culturally responsive instruction, where to do we start? Youll likely find that there are ways to celebrate diversity all year long. days; or occasions for Recognizing Family and Neighborhood Heroes.. var temp_style = document.createElement('style'); Caution: Eliminate the nuts if there are students with allergies. Approximately two million people who work for the federal government would be given a paid day off, and . The ritual on these pages is intended to help students understand what happens at a Seder and to participate in an important tradition in the lives of our Jewish brothers and sisters. The representations of religious artefacts, customs or traditions in public . The purpose is to recall the Exodus story with our students and honor its part in our story of faith. All of these recommendations are in line with the standard that officially guides states and schools on this issue the "Lemon Test," named after the 1971 court case of Lemon v. Kurtzman. These overarching themes and lessons will appear in holidays across the board, which can help bring greater meaning to your lessons. Materials: You will need Bibles, a new white bed sheet (large enough to serve as a tablecloth for the table where you will gather for your Seder), and several sets of fabric markers. Winter is the least busy month for movers because not many people want to move when it is extremely cold outside. Don't attack me. Some [employers] give major Christian and Jewish holidays off and are moving to include major Muslim holidays as well. Respecting the cultural diversity among the families you serve means recognizing that all have the right to their traditions. The key, employment lawyers and workplace experts say, is to make sure no one feels excluded or forced to participate in workplace festivities. The article offers suggestions that teachers can use throughout the school year, as well as when observing cultural and religious holidays and celebrations. Both the NAEYC Code of Ethics and the anti-bias education approach make respecting family diversity a cornerstone of quality early childhood programs. We may earn a commission from links on this page. You have to be sensitive to peoples religions, said Louise Ann Fernandez, a labor and employment lawyer with the California-based firm Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell. As we work to instill a strong sense of community and tolerance in our children, teaching the shared values of the holidays fits right in with our social and academic curricula. For expats, holidays can mean liberation from pressures to celebrate with family in the usual ways . Recognizing these holidays in the classroom can help these students celebrate and share a part of their cultures while they are in school. A charity committee, called #BeNiceAndSocial, organizes ways for employees to give back each holiday season. In 1971, the Supreme Court case Lemon v. Kurtzman declared that public schools could not receive government funding if they taught religious subject matter. Be sure the table is large enough for all class members to sit around. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Small notes may not be considered thoughtful. Con: If it's real pine, you'll be vacuuming needles all month and opening gifts under a glorified stick. Breaks give students time to bond with family and friends. Thats why its interesting, even surprising, that nearly 100 percent of students say they celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Passover, and Halloween. So as Thanksgiving 2021 the 400th anniversary of the supposed first Thanksgiving approaches, you may be wondering exactly why Thanksgiving is bad. School work, especially in junior high and high school, becomes a child's job. Your school librarian may also be able to provide resources for you and your students to use in your research. Video reduces the time of reading and allows you to "instruct" asynchronously. When viewing video content or other materials at home, students have the option of learning at their own pace. The . 3. By most accounts, the United States educational system has fallen behind that of other countries. Subjects: Language Arts, Literature, Geography, History. Jesus was a devout Jew, as were his first disciples. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. There's no doubt about it; at some point in your experience, you're going to miss something about where you come from, whether it be the people you love, your pet, the food, or just being able to speak your own language more often. Spending all day in a classroom actively learning is tiring, and there is a limited amount that students can learn. Note: This article was originally written for the American Federation of Teachers. This is certainly true regarding holiday practices. Christmas is the reason for the season, he said. Most importantly, teaching children about the holidays guides them into lifelong learning and into thoughtfully and reflectively celebrating their own holidays within our diverse society. Theyre not in church on Sunday., Passing on the Joyful Encounter: The role of the catechist. The focus of Passover celebrations in Jewish homes is a ritual meal called a Seder. Common sense is the rule when it comes to decorations put up by management and holiday items brought in by workers. There are countless Christian Seders available online if you choose to go that route. You can avoid controversial topics and still honor a diversity of holiday stories, characters, and rituals as symbols of positive values. Celebrations can also be whimsical and playfulfor example, Bring Books Alive Day (making and wearing costumes from books, eating foods from favorite books, acting out favorite stories); Pajama Day (wearing pjs and slippers to school, telling bedtime stories, sharing family bedtime rituals); or Backwards Day (wearing clothes backwards, doing things in reverse order of an ordinary day). Since there is no official ruling on celebrating holidays in the classroom, check with your administration or fellow teachers before planning your lessons. Dont champion or push celebration of one holiday over another. When we acknowledge that our classrooms are natural extensions of our own culture, we can begin to make room for the cultures of others. Remind them that Jesus was a devout Jew. And, given the significance of a wedding, honoring marriage on top of an already special occasion will make it much more memorable. Teacher materials produced for February's celebration of black history are often limited to the most-celebrated black Americans Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington Carver, Rosa Parks. Others will view it as an opportunity to present the gospel. With a global economy in place and our technology moving at a rate faster than we'd ever imagined, every teacher needs more help meeting the needs of and being culturally responsive to his/her students, many of whom now have roots in places like Mexico, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Somalia, Croatia, and Jordan. At least 32 people were killed and 85 injured in northern Greece when a passenger train collided head-on with a high-speed freight train late Tuesday night, just before midnight. From Columbus Day to Independence Day to Thanksgiving, the U.S. pretty much specializes in taking dates that celebrate genocide and discrimination, and repackaging them as family-friendly holidays. Please complete the form below. An educational opportunity. And all dominant culture holidays reflect a particular perspective about historic events and particular groups of people who are admired and those who are erased. Homepage illustrations 2009 by Rafael Lpez originally appeared in "Book Fiesta" by Pat Mora and used with permission from HarperCollins. You will see things that spark your curiosity, make you wonder, and amaze you all at once. A student teacher, enjoying her cupcake, gives Esther a piece because she feels sorry about depriving Esther. Others point to the fact that some classrooms get carried away with four weeks spent crafting every possible variation on a turkey theme, while the . Holiday celebrations build and strengthen connections between home and school, and among children who share the same holidays. On Holy Thursday and throughout the celebration of the Triduum, we recall that Jesus redeemed us from the slavery of sin and death. In pluralistic society, it's important to raise children with a greater awareness of others around them, especially those who are different. Check out our five tips for celebrating holidays in the classroom in an impactful and appropriate way. The Seder was further developed in medieval times, yet scholars believe that the wording and sequence of aspects of the Seder differed from community to community. Secondly, we help students develop their own culturally sensitive skills to be successful in our diverse, multicultural, and global world, enriching not our classroom, but our nation as well. 8. Stay up-to-date on issues in early childhood education and hear perspectives from a wide range of educators. However, holidays also pose a range of challenges to ensuring that all children, families, and staff feel respected and to children learning about diversity of families. Anti-Bias Education: The December Holidays from the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Parents seem to understand that teaching about the commonalities in holiday stories reinforces cultural understanding. After all, schools used to have Coke machines on campus and allow students to. Even within groups that honor the same holiday, how individual families celebrate will reflect both similarities and differences. Instead, people look forward to the holidays for the presents that they'll receive. Whether or not to include any holidays in your curriculum, and what activities to use if you do, requires thoughtful decision making. Diversity, whether it involves religion or the gender of the partner someone brings to a workplace party, should be celebrated along with the holidays so that everyone feels welcome, experts advise. Some teachers simply read a story aloud about each holiday while others dive in with open discussions and hands-on experiences. $(document).ready(function () { This approach makes it possible for every child to participate in shared special days with the rest of the class. Colorn Colorado is an educational service of WETA, the flagship public broadcasting station in the nation's capital, and receives major funding from the American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association. Years ago, following a holiday concert I had just conducted at a small Vermont elementary school, a parent approached me with a complaint. History of Elf on the Shelf The scout elf tradition . Please enable scripts and reload this page. More employee appreciation supports your company culture and your business. Video can help in explaining difficult subject matters. In December, said Sam Baber, the companys director of talent and development, Spredfast goes whole-hog: It hosts 12 days of holiday movies, a traditional Hanukkah meal and a very intense game of White Elephant. A wide range of things to buy. Linda Kamp, a primary education teacher in Arizona, shares ideas for accommodating students who don't celebrate holidays: "Make a plan with parents for situations like birthdays and holiday activities and discuss what an acceptable alternative might be.". Explain that a Seder celebrates the story of the Jewish Exodusthe freeing of the Jewish slaves in Egypt. That extends to these areas of potential conflict:Days off. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, redisseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Bayard, Inc. Text 2: A magazine article about the pros and cons of children celebrating Valentine's Day. } Fax: 888.834.1303, Found the perfect materials for your classroom? "I was able to sleep in, but also go out. Non-Thinking Use Holiday Biased Curriculum An Anti-Biased Approach Discover practical tips and innovative ideas for preschool teachers in our award-winning magazine. Pros and Cons PROS Students have more control over their learning. Page through Exodus chapters 7-15 with the class and have each group choose passages they will illustrate on the tablecloth. SHRM Employment Law & Compliance Conference, Celebrating the Holidays and Diversity in the Workplace, New OSHA Guidance Clarifies Return-to-Work Expectations, Trump Suspends New H-1B Visas Through 2020, Faking COVID-19 Illness Can Have Serious Consequences, Antisemitism Fears, Incidents Are Rising in the US, Former CNN Anchor Speaks on Being Canceled, Overcoming Biases, How to Balance Religious Accommodations with Company Vaccination Requirements. The First Amendment Center, in coalition with the AFT and a number of other organizations including the NEA, have issued a guide for educators on such issues called "Finding Common Ground." Check out 10 negative and positive things Halloween can teach your kids. President Obama called for a longer school year to extend learning opportunities for K-12 students. I've been in Maryland my entire life, but nothing will change the fact that I absolutely HATE being unnecessarily cold. Develop grassroots efforts advancing early childhood in your community with these tools and resources. On the other hand, they can increase prep time for teachers and can present challenges to students. For our Jewish brothers and sisters, the Seder is a sacred ritual. At Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil services, Catholics, too, proclaim the Exodus story. 4. Support our efforts to secure a bright future for young children, educators, and families. As there are three sides to holiday work, we will take a look at each of them individually: For the employees She has been published in "Teaching Today" and "Burnside Writer's Collective." Diversity, a Greenwich, Conn.based firm that promotes diversity in the workplace. She has a bachelor's degree from Ball State University and a master's degree from Pepperdine University. While we suggest reviewing their recommendations in full, here are some general rules: Many educators have fought to continue celebrating holidays in the classroom because they see firsthand the value these lessons bring to their students. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); With holidays becoming more commercial, Christmas and Chanukah have lost some of their value. This court decision has three important parts to it: [*such as classroom instruction in a public school]. Find research-based resources, tips and ideas for familiesfrom child development to reading, writing, music, math, and more! I avoid sacred topics but honor the stories, characters, and rituals of holidays as symbols of positive values. They can return to our website and order the items you selected. Our country has always been home to people of many different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Fourth-grade teacher Sarah Pemberton periodically uses 10 to 15 minutes set aside for in-class reading to teach her students about cultural, federal, and religious holidays and celebrations. We currently live in a world where our knowledge about other cultures, languages, and traditions is extremely important to foster understanding and mutual respect, and we are now expecting teachers to be our first responders on the front line in this complex task. Answer (1 of 14): If you're into cold weather and winter sports (skiing, ice skating, sledding) it can be wonderful. Some schools may place no limit on holiday discussion while others may ask teachers to skip lessons on holidays entirely. Luckily, the teacher notices the conflicted expression on Esthers face and intervenes: Esther, do you know that cake is made with leavened flour and that you cant eat it during Passover? Esther nods her head. * Ask for five volunteers: the narrator and four readers. Your language choices also support or undercut the concept of religious diversity and each familys freedom of choice. She is coauthor of several books, including Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs: A Guide for Change, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, and Teaching/Learning Anti-Racism: A Developmental Approach. CONS: Creating a good quality educational video can be time consuming. Given that research, test data, and anecdotal evidence repeatedly confirm that culture plays a significant role in teaching and learning, student diversity challenges us to explore ways to bridge cultural differences and develop culturally sensitive teaching practices that recognize and accept these differences. Election Day could be made a holiday if a bill were passed by the House and Senate then signed into law by the president. Expose students to a diversity of religious views and do not impose any particular view. She does not realize it is Ramadan, when observant adult Muslims fast between dawn and dusk. For example, the actual Exodus took place over 3,000 years ago, and it is likely that the first Passover meal was celebrated in the desert as the Israelites journeyed toward the Promised Land. Now the United Kingdom has launched the largest test of its kind to see if five days is too long . Celebrating holidays can be a fun and festive way to break up the repetition of day-to-day instruction. --Putting people of different religions on the party-planning committee. Our Jewish ancestors in faith celebrate Passover to recall their redemption from slavery in Egypt. Soon, many of the children enrolled in our public schools had come from such faraway places as Italy, Poland, Greece, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, and China. Your job is to make students aware of the many cultures around them and to help them find commonalities among themselves and those they may view as different from themselves. Along with these we also observe and recognize Martin Luther King Day, St. Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Kwanzaa, Labor Day, the Jewish holidays, and many others. Celebrating is a great way to be an inclusive and culturally responsible teacher, especially if you have ELLs in your classroom or live in a diverse community. Play a vocabulary game with holiday words. Ignite and fulfill your professional development goals! The government or public action in question* should only engage in secular or civil matters, leaving religion up to the individual. Christmas = Snow And snow means being cold, which is only cool when you're snuggling under soft blankets with a hot drink. Deepen your professional knowledge wherever you are with NAEYCs exciting webinar series and online and face-to-face training opportunities. Yet, most early childhood education programs now serve a wide range of families, many of which have configurations that differ from the one mother and one father family structure. While Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere is a beautiful winter wonderland event, Christmas in Australia is usually upwards of 30 degrees celsius. Understanding the different ways people do and dont celebrate; learning accurate, respectful vocabulary about holidays; broadening childrens worldview of what a holiday isthese are all wonderful, powerful learning outcomes for children about holidays. If you are dating or married to someone that wants a large Valentine's day celebration, it may not be the time to make it small. Pros and Cons Preschool Theme Days Are Fun! A typical week earns approximately $746 per week. The first step is recognizing how our own cultural conditioning is reflected in our teaching: how we set up our classroom, establish relationships with students, even how we design and deliver our lessons. Holiday salaries in New York range from $29,513 to $45,909 per year. Students use inquiry-based learning to gather information about Columbus's impact on the Americas. Focusing on a common theme or value that a holiday represents can help keep your discussions secular and educational. Likewise, if students need to excuse themselves for prayer during the school day, it'd be best to plan a schedule and accommodate them in such a way that it does not interfere with their educational time in the classroom or with other students. And teachers, like their students, behave in ways that reflect their culture. --Making any party nondenominational, and including recognition of all kinds of holidays associated with December, Holder said. Unfortunately, the teacher had not thought to check ahead of time with Esthers family when the birthday celebration was scheduled during the Passover holiday. For a copy of the Classroom Seder Guide, see The Seder below. Join NAEYCs team and help us advance the education of young children across the country. The Gospels of Matthew (26:17-19), Mark (14:12-16), and Luke (22:7-13) all report that after arriving in Jerusalem on the day Christians now celebrate Palm Sunday of the Lords Passion, Jesus instructed the disciples to make preparations for the Passover meal they would share together. These days, many public schools use the First Amendment Centers Finding Common Ground as their academic guide. Celebrate holidays from a variety of cultures, not just one. Impossible to celebrate every culture. Reasons to avoid Vietnam during Tet (lunar new year) Everything closes down. A lifetime activist for children and families, she continues to write, teach, and consult on issues of equity, diversity, and anti-bias. These differ from each other. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM China "); Field trips to a neighborhood market or library firm up real life applications of classroom learning. Discoverthe latest research and best practices, and engage with our diverse community of professionals! So what is a teacher to do? Why do so many teachers find it hard to teach academically and meaningfully about all the holidays in a public school setting? Students attend an average of 180 school days per year. Should You Celebrate Holidays in the Classroom? Celebrating a holiday engages children in holiday activities as full-fledged participants, on the assumption that their families believe in the holidays purpose and meaning. 2. He explains why he hadnt eaten and assures the child that he is happy for her birthday. The focus for students moves away from school and onto family and culture. Pro: Appreciate the money, time, and effort spent in decorating the tree as much as you can prior to Christmas Day, because after that, they are just a sad reminder that the holiday is over. In addition to, or instead of, celebrating the holidays observed by childrens families, some teachers create their own celebrations for various parts of the school year. 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