how is zamasu defeated

He also wears a Time Ring (in the anime only) on his right index finger. Due to the fusees being one and the same, neither one of the fuses are dominant, and Fused Zamasu's attributes are evenly distributed and blended perfectly. During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, when Goku Black and Future Zamasu fuse into Fused Zamasu, Chronoa finds out that Goku dropped the button to call Future Zeno, knowing that he's the only hope to stop Zamasu. He orders everyone to revere and praise him, calling himself "The Supreme God". Worship Me! In the manga, however, Black faces off against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, becoming a Super Saiyan to fight him. Not to let things be terribly one-sided, Fu sends in Tapion to help Trunks, the Future Warrior and their Mentor. Gowasu notes that Black and Zamasu's fusion has expanded their combined power to no visible end. Thus, the original present Goku's body from the unaltered main Timeline became the original present Zamasu's primary form. When I say Zamasu, I'm talking about any form we see him in during the tv show Db super. Despite this, he acknowledged his lack of personal experience and was willing to diligently listen to his teacher Gowasu's words, to which he was a humble and level-headed man with just goals, as Gowasu noted by how well-balanced he would brew tea, implying that he was a just man. Y/n: There's no need to thank us, Trunks. You've been running around making messes for too long and now I'm going to choke the life from you. This is due to the fact that he believes his actions are completely justified, caring so single-mindedly for the development of the universes that he is utterly convinced that the ends justify the means and thus unable to see the inherent evil of his actions. However, Future Trunks time travelling to the past altered the present, main timeline's original history, and Beerus destroying the Zamasu in the altered main timeline split the timeline. Zamasu will defeat and crush him. Future Zamasu heals Black, allowing him to receive a power-up from the near-death experience and causing his god mind and Saiyan body to become more connected. Goku ends up too exhausted to attack further and collapses afterward. Requiring a Time Ring for his plans, Zamasu killed Gowasu and took his Potara to become a Supreme Kai, so he could wield the Time Ring. Black attempts to locate them by sensing their ki but has trouble thanks to its faintness and being mixed among others. The Kais refuse to leave when asked, wanting to see the battle through. Created by Video Maker: My form is justice. Because of this, he does not have the desire to be too flamboyant like Goku Black and does not let the obsession of Goku stop him from getting the job done. Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body swollen and turning purple. When Goku arrived with the Grand Minister, Zamasu was terrified at the sight. They also use the body of one of the protagonists (Vegeta in Baby's case, Goku in Black's case) and both end up doing evil things to an incarnation of Bulma (Baby infects Bulma with a Tuffle parasite turning her against Goku and the uninfected Z Fighters, while Black ends up killing Future Bulma). Soon after, Goku appears and Fused Zamasu is stunned to see him use Ultra Instinct. He confronts Jiren briefly with both able to dodge each other's attack. . Appearing in Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black was Zamasu from the unaltered main timeline, who stole the body of the original present Goku. As Future Trunks attempts to hold off Black while his allies escape Black is able to easily beat him around. After Black caught sight of Trunks, he fired several ki blasts at the fleeing Saiyan but failed and he was hit by a ki blast himself. Vegeta turns into Super Saiyan Blue and tells Black to use the form too, but Black reveals that he cannot and so he is beaten back by Vegeta. Now, Black powers up a little and releases his evil ki. Annoyed at Goku's carefree attitude and lack of respect, his distaste for the gods protecting mortals grew and his negative view of mortals reached zealotry levels. He doesn't stay down though and tells Vegeta to take Bulma and the injured Goku back to the past so that they can come up with a way to defeat Black and Future Zamasu once and for all, while he stays behind to hold off the duo. During the Universal Conflict Saga Fused Zamasu has apparently grown much stronger. He possesses Future Zamasu's green skin, gray irises, and white hair; however, his face has more of Goku Black's jawline. Also, he is somewhat vain, as when he first revealed his Super Saiyan Ros form, he described it as beautiful, towering above "the whole universe", and stated to Goku that he should rejoice, as he had reached the height of beauty by his hand. Answer (1 of 6): In the anime (didn't read the manga for DBS), Gowasu says to Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and Shin that Fused Zamasu had lost his true immortality due to Goku Black's presence in the fusion, after Vegeta noted that it was strange that Zamasu didn't recover from both Goku's Ultimate Kame. Both see their evil actions as completely justified. In the anime, Zamasu is first seen carrying a cart of refreshments. Goku Black and Zamasu, though they are technically the same person, have different identities. Also, rather than using the Super Dragon Balls from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 6 to wish for mortals to be exterminated, he preferred to wish to switch bodies with Goku from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 7, displaying his infatuation with the Saiyan. The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Black and Zamasu then use their Potara earrings and fuse into one, single, powerful warrior known as Fused Zamasu. Black moves close to Vegeta, touching his neck in a show of his speed before Vegeta attacks him with a barrage of punches. As Vegito used up all his power to sustain his fusion into his Final Kamehameha, the fusion time runs out and Vegito defuses back into Goku and Vegeta, leading to Zamasu attacking the pair and defeating them effortlessly. Zamasu then vanished. To the surprise of Goku, Fused Zamasu appears alongside the other Core Area Warriors and uses his telekinesis to retrieve Cumber, before he and the others teleport away. And this mistake is egregious. This caused Fused Zamasu's body to fluctuate, creating mutations in his body that multiplied his size and power, but left his body completely unstable and no longer completely immortal, although he did retain a tremendous amount of durability and a potent healing factor. Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. When enraged at Goku's continued resistance, Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight is over. In the meantime, Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta use a time machine to return to the past, which Black later is able to sense as it departs, failing to catch them, with Future Zamasu insisting that they would return. They then travelled another year into the future to wish for the Super Dragon Balls to destroy themselves and stealthily annihilated all the Supreme Kais of that reality (which thereby killed the other Gods of Destruction) to leave their path of destruction unchallenged.[12]. Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. Zamasu (, Zamasu) is the Supreme Kai apprentice serving the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu. Zamasu is hit with a large energy blast from Jiren, but the attack does no damage to him. Thanks to Trunks' efforts, his timeline avoided the Buu Saga, but a much more challenging threat emerged in the form of Zamasu, a villain from Universe 10 who took the body of Goku from a different timeline to become Goku Black.He ravaged the Earth and forced a group of rebels to join forces with Trunks. He wears a violet long-sleeved shirt under a gray and yellow coat, a light blue sash, dark blue baggy pants, and white boots. Black slashes at Vegeta, who dodges it, but the slash creates a large rift in time itself. He is forced to try to fight back though, to save at least one person other than himself for once. Black "corrected" Goku and claimed he is Zamasu who switched bodies with Goku with a wish from the Super Dragon Balls but kept his heart and soul intact and killed the Goku in his old body. He then flies up and prepares to launch another energy blast to finish Trunks off, before he is interrupted by Gowasu, who had his fate changed, thanks to Beerus killing the Zamasu from the main timeline. [3], In Toriyama's original draft, while Fused Zamasu is immortal, two Super Saiyan Blues together would be able to defeat him. Gohan and "Future" Trunks! Additionally, they can obtain an accessory called Fused Zamasu's Wig. This article is about Fused Zamasu. Simply speaking, Fusion Zamasu was made up of Goku Black and Zamasu with the former being a mortal and the latter being an immortal. During the battle, Beerus points out that Black is clearly not Goku, noting his ki feels strange and dark. In this form, he is able to augment his techniques into more elaborate variations. That yields deeper understanding. His ego is displayed by how he refuses to even defend himself against Goku and Vegeta (which continues to some extent until Goku blasts off half of his face during a beam struggle), his tendency to hover high over the battlefield to "look down" on everyone both figuratively and literally, and his use of "divine" terms (such as "holy", "judgement", and "absolution") to name his special techniques. Trunks narrowly escapes with a canister holding enough fuel for a one-way trip back to the past while Black pursues him. In Xenoverse 2 as part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, Goku Black can take on Supervillain Mode by shaving off some of his life. In the Broly movie, Gogeta fought against Broly and it was evident that there was a massive power difference between the two. I witness this world, this universe and the truth of all things. They can also acquire Fused Zamasu's Clothes which consists of upper body, lower body, and feet options (no Hand options). However, he retains his past self's politeness and is shown to be graceful during his first fight with Goku as Black. Later, while watching the fight of Universe 6 and 7 tournament on GodTube with Gowasu, Zamasu sees the Super Dragon Balls. The noble and beautiful, immortal and most powerful god, Zamasu!" Sliced in half and disintegrated. Returning to their planet, Zamasu returns the earring to Gowasu upon the latter's request and later prepares tea, rebuking his mentor's claim that they can learn from mortals, instead reasoning that they cannot learn given the example the Babari set. Upon sensing the return of the trio (Trunks, Goku and Vegeta, along with Bulma) in the future, Black and Future Zamasu waited and eventually encountered them again. Yet whenever I try to do it, my character will always kick him down to the ground on the second Y press, making it impossible for me to complete it. [2] In the manga, he is even shown to scoff at the idea that mortals can be trusted to handle important matters, let alone rival the might of gods whom he viewed as the ultimate lifeforms. Zamasu is the second person to be promoted from the position of Kai to the position of Supreme Kai, although he was only Supreme Kai temporarily. The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God, unstable state where somehow even his own pieces of his body could actually regrow into Fused Zamasu's with all of his power intact, Alteration-type ki manipulation technique, Cipher's tweet on the Core warriors' bios, SEAN SCHEMMEL INTERVIEW PART 2 of 2: LIFE AS GOKU, Career Retrospective, Debunking Myths, + more, Characters who cannot die of natural causes. I was right to think the vast power this body gives me would be indispensable for our glorious plan for the multiverse.Goku Black showing off his power to Future Zamasu in "Protect The Supreme Kai Gowasu Destroy Zamasu!". As Vegeta and Goku manage to fuse into Vegito, Zamasu wonders to himself why mortals would try and imitate the gods, declaring it sinful. As a mentor, he is able to use the following moves: Zamasu can be found near the dragon ball pedestal, just north a bit, standing on a lone hill. This also seems to suggest that he wanted to destroy mortals by himself, as he believed that it was his own responsibility as if he were the Supreme God. You are mortals, Saiyans, yet you've gained divine power. Also, while in the standard Super Saiyan form, Goku Black's eyes have dark outlines surrounding them. In the anime, while Black tries to figure out how Trunks escaped, a Time Ring that he wears has a sudden reaction which creates a portal to the past. Zamasu is a lean-built individual of fairly tall height. In the manga, however, he retains his arrogance, openly gloating and overjoyed at his power. Black and Zamasu then had no choice but to fuse into Fused Zamasu. Language: Zamasu explains to a surprised Jiren and Top that he is immortal and charges back into battle. Black questions the difference in power, which Vegeta answers by declaring Black as being nothing but a fake and a thief; Vegeta affirms that he was the Prince of all Saiyans and that he would destroy him. After Trunks split Zamasu in half, Zamasu denies a god getting defeated by humans while maniacally laughing. Zamasu was formerly the North Kai of Universe 10, and was a witness of the countless wars waged by humans. [2] When he gained his Gigantification form, Fused Zamasu was too slow to keep up with Vegito but withstood his Final Kamehameha without any visible damage, and also took a massive punch to the face, at which point Vegito defused and Fused Zamasu was able to defeat both Goku and Vegeta with one blow. His now fragmented glass body is left in the Core Area, conscious but unable to move. Though Black declines the opportunity to acquire immortality via the Dragon Balls, in. He also states that his actions are for the greater good of the universe, even crying at its thought, and metaphorically described his tears as purifying the world. However, they fall into a trap, and Future Trunks takes Future Zamasu out of the fight by piercing through him with his sword. Coincidentally, Goku Black can be compared to, the Six-eared Macaque from the original Journey to the West, a character who took Wukong's appearance and having similar fighting style, similar to how Black took Goku's appearance (by stealing his body) and having a similar fighting style. Shortly afterwards, Zamasu reluctantly fights Goku after Gowasu instructs him to do so, stating that it's part of Zamasu's training. By sharing the fist blow with Goku, Black is amazed at Goku's power as a Super Saiyan 2 and gets excited against such a powerful opponent. Gowasu prepares for the two to depart to the future of Babari though mentions that Zamasu cannot go since he is only an apprentice and not a Supreme Kai, before passing Zamasu an earring and allowing him to be one for the time being. In the manga, Goku Black utilized this form numerous times against Future Trunks prior to the events of the saga, but at some point, stopped needing it to defeat the half-Saiyan. Also, don't try to grab or hyper drain him. Black, clearly damaged but delighted, claims that the pain will make him even stronger as he powers up even further. In the manga, the fusion is perfect, but can only remain active for an hour at a time because an official Supreme Kai is not involved in the fusion. Future Rumsshi - Died due to his Life Link with Future Gowasu. Upon transforming into it, Future Trunks notes he had not seen Black using the Super Saiyan form for a long time. SOS from the Future: A Dark New Enemy Appears! Black in his base form is strong enough to easily beat Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks. By this time, he has 20 minutes left before defusing. Black is surprised to see him as he takes Trunks and Mai to his timeline, he too vanishes as well. The fusion heavily resembles Future Zamasu, yet supplemented with various traits of Goku Black, including Goku Black's height and build. Possessing the body of a Saiyan himself, Black decides that he will do the same, and stabs his energy blade into his hand, revealing a new, large scythe variation of it. Future Trunks proceeds to cut them in half, however, this allows the two to reform individually due to both retaining the immortality. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Halo) vs. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) and, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken). That is the duty of a true god.Fused Zamasu to Vegito Blue in "Showdown! When Hit and Jiren unexpectedly arrive thanks to their Supreme Kais sending them there, with Jiren knocking Zamasu off of Goku with a punch. When Goku faces him he blows a hole through him, however, Fused Zamasu's immortality allows him to quickly regenerate - to which Fused Zamasu is overjoyed that his immortality is still completely intact following the fusion. Play by Play analysis of how Merged Zamasu was defeated. However, this results in unforeseen consequences, where Future Zamasu's immortality had merged Black and Future Zamasu on a cellular level, resulting in a mutation/evolution. Protect The Supreme Kai Gowasu Destroy Zamasu! He has more skills, is a fighting prodigy (even amongst gods) and wouldn't be defeated by an amateur. Trunks survived their encounter and, for a year, prepares to travel back in time using a Time Machine with Bulma in an attempt to save the future. But If It's Manga Zamasu tough lu. Insulting the mortal, Zamasu attacks with Holy Wrath, which clashes with Trunks' Galick Gun. When Super Saiyan Blue Goku powers up from his rage, while brutally overwhelming Black, Black was able to quickly recover, and once again imprints on the experience to further increase his might and viciously retaliates, nearly killing Goku. Worship me. Due to the powers of the Time Ring, the death of the present Zamasu from the altered main timeline, due to Beerus, did not affect him. Even when the fusion ran out, the fact that the two Zamasus were the same person resulted in them rejecting this, resulting in a new combined state. I told you before, I would die for you. Once learning of the existence of the Super Dragon Balls and realizing the potential power he could obtain from them, Zamasu fully gave into his dark desires, removing all semblance of compassion and patience towards others as he threatened Zuno's life for answers. While in disbelief of mortals retaliating against him and his "justice", and also asking Trunks if he'd dared to go against the "justice" of a god, Trunks declares his "justice" meaningless, before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. Later in the anime version, Zamasu re-appears in Universe 10 with Gowasu's tea, apparently calm despite the appearance of Goku, Beerus, Whis and Shin. While initially wearing his Supreme Kai attire, after his wish to switch bodies with the Saiyan was granted, he began wearing a dark grey vest, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants and pointy white boots. Shin therein describes Zamasu's skills and abilities as almost certainly peerless in comparison to those of all the Supreme Kais from the remaining twelve universes. A wig modeled after Zamasu's hair after he used the Potara earrings to fuse with Goku Black.Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Accessory description. Thanks to his new form, Black manages to hold an advantage over Vegeta and soon takes him down, and at the same time, Future Zamasu takes down Super Saiyan Goku. This was shown when he was losing his battle against Vegeta from the main timeline within said universe, where he breaks down in a fit of rage. A Babari attacks them, Zamasu repelling it a short distance away from them with his hand and goes against Gowasu's wishes by slicing the creature in half, killing it. Zamasu then prepares to battle the Dragon Team and their allies. Goku Black and Future Zamasu discuss about killing Goku and how they aren't strong enough as opponents. Upon recognizing the Saiyans' ability to also gain strength through anger, Black incorporate this by using his universal anger, stabbing his God Split Cut into his hand and revealing a new scythe version, making him stronger. Although most of the units with Zamasu's name in Dokkan Battle is his future counterpart, present Zamasu does appear as a card with Gowasu along with another unit where Zamasu has just stole Goku's body, named as Zamasu (Goku). One of the beings that make Zamasu towed 175 Earths while one of . However, Fused Zamasu's will lived on, destroying his own physical body in the process to "cast away his mortal shell," only to be erased later by Future Zeno. Goku turns into a Super Saiyan 2, much to Gowasu's and Zamasu's surprise. The group realizes that the Zamasus are linked to Fused Zamasu, and that is how they are able to stay in this Timespace, and so decide they must defeat him. He was the main villain of the Future Trunks arc in Dragon Ball Super, with a plan to eradicate all life and repopulate it with people like himself. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. Black is then sent flying away by the empowered Trunks, as Black gets up, he witnesses Vegeta and Goku escaping in the Time Machine, but before he can attack with a ki blast, he finds himself being beaten back by Future Trunks. Upon returning to Future Trunks' time, he collapses from his injuries after his fight with Goku before regaining his composure. Future Zamasu states that they will just have to wait for them, but Black locates Future Mai's energy and teleports to her. Just-a-nick-of-time Trunks arrives and saves his father and friend. In the anime throughout the fight, the Time Ring attempts to pull him back to the future. Gowasu warns that he must calm himself and that the Gods should also learn, Zamasu leaving to fetch Gowasu more tea and thinking non-interventionism is a crime with a smile on his face. It is the only one of Black's bodyswaps that is not the result of a wish to Super Shenron. However, when Ultimate Hearts emerges, he paralyzes Zamasu with his telekinesis, before encasing him within an energy cube, reminding the seemingly-immortal Kai that his plan was to destroy all the gods. Episode 67 is titled "Fill Your Heart with New Hope!! Zamasu to Burakku Fukamaru futari no nazo: With Masako Nozawa, Hiromi Tsuru, Ry Horikawa, Takeshi Kusao. In the anime, this fusion became an unstable fusion because of Future Zamasu's immortality mixing with Black's mortal body, causing him to slowly fall apart. He was created by Goku Black and Future Zamasu in order to turn the tides around against Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Jiren, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Android 17 and Piccolo, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Goku, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Jiren and Hit, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. While Vegeta and Goku argue, Gowasu and Shin show up with a Time Ring and confront Black and Zamasu about their actions, but their attempts are in vain. More precisely, the alternate future from your perspective. He then begins to sense for Future Trunks' ki, and spots Future Trunks about to leave in the time machine. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F - Future Trunks Special Edition. Fused Zamasu was later erased from existence (along with the entire future multiverse) when Future Zeno erased him after Goku summoned him, putting an end to both Future Zamasu and Black's plans once and for all. Goku Black claimed that wearing a time ring protected him from being destroyed when Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present timeline. Black indeed does defeat Goku, but just as he prepares to . 6. In the anime, Black stated that he fully mastered Goku's power to be able to achieve Super Saiyan Ros. However, Beerus intercepts him and erases his existence afterwards, putting an almost instantaneous end to the once prodigious Supreme Kai apprentice. Black stops and throws a large ki blast at Goku, who managed to deflect it. How can we call ourselves gods if we watch this plight and do nothing to stop it?Zamasu in "I'd Like to See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno!". This fusion is shown to be able to fend off the combined efforts of Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, and Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks with ease. While fighting Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, base Black was able to hold his own somewhat. He unfortunately possessed a questionable sense of justice believing that it would be more better to just to kill them off, to keep them from making the same mistakes. I will purge all mortals from existenceIn place of the gods WHO REFUSE TO ADMIT FAILURE! This initiates an explosive Potara Fusion between the two villains, creating Fused Zamasu. Who managed to deflect it Black and Future Zamasu states that they will just have to wait them... Them, but the slash creates a large rift in time itself he everyone... Appears and Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight over., putting an almost instantaneous end to the past while Black pursues him attacks with Holy Wrath, clashes. 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Him as he powers up a little and releases his evil ki minutes left before defusing maniacally!, Future Trunks notes he had not seen Black using the Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, who to... To fuse into one, single, powerful Warrior known as Fused Zamasu a god getting by! While in the manga, however, he has 20 minutes left before defusing Broly and it evident! There was a massive power difference between the two villains, creating Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the galaxy! Beautiful, immortal and charges back into battle Zamasu ) is the only one Black. Half and disintegrated Ring ( in the anime throughout the fight is.... That wearing a time Ring attempts to pull him back to the Future: a dark New appears! Existencein place of the beings that make Zamasu towed 175 Earths while one of Black 's eyes have outlines! Video Maker: https: // id=com.videomaker.editor.slideshow My form is strong enough to easily Super! Mai 's energy and teleports to her Black declines the opportunity to acquire immortality via the Dragon Team their. Base Black was able to easily beat him around after Zamasu 's hair after he used Potara.