2. Persepolis Study Guide. 3. Why was Marji's generation so rebellious? A bombing on the border town of Abadan sends Marjane's friend Mali and her family to stay with them. What information does Marjis father reveal to her? Describe the efforts made toward bringing an end to the war between Iran and Iraq. At home, Marjane's mother is upset that she skipped class and Marjane goes down to her basement where she smokes a cigarette that she had stolen from her uncle. By Marjane Satrapi Afraid for their daughter's safety, her parents decide to send her to stay with her mom's friend in Vienna. The relationship between two other people is the tipping point for Marjane and her own marriage. What is the double meaning here? Her destination was Kansas on Jordan avenue. One day, friends have left. Her parents take her to the airport. Now Behzad answers questions directed toward any woman, whether she's his wife or not. Why do Marjis parents send her to live abroad? They applied masking tape around the window. They riot, and take over the U.S embassy. Las causas de las inequidades. Describe the encounter between Marji's aunt and the Minister of Health. What was the motivation for launching an attack on Karbala? His punishment was a total of 75 lashings. This crushes Marjane's dream of one day going to the United States. Walkingalongthepath,thehikerswerepreparedtotakephotosofbutterflies. She is cleared at customs but turns to see her parents once more. What was Marji's symbolic act of rebellion? Persepolis is Marjis nickname in the novel. Besides their possessions, what else have refugee families lost? What is Pardisse's response? A few days later Marjane tells her parents she's getting divorced and moving to France. This is all Marjane understands of his philosophyand she suspects thats all, to understand everything. My reaction is if you were 14 years old it would be difficult to live on your own. What was one provision listed? What does the Shah say? Young male children are each given keys by their schools. When she reaches her neighborhood, she learns that the missile has hit one of the two buildings at the end of her street. What is their opinion of those who left? She cries and tries to comfort Mehri. Is Marjane Satrapi Arab? How did the interior of their homes reflect the external changes that were occurring? Their situation changes significantly when the head of the visual communications department asks them to design a theme park based on Persian mythology. She decides to start by learning about herself, so she reads her, Julie agrees, so Marjane says goodbye to Lucia. She hits the principal and gets expelled; and then she gets into trouble at her new school. Her mother tells her that the missile hit the Baba-Levys building next door and Marjane is glad because she thinks that the Baba-Levys are staying at the Hilton. Her mother has fainted in her fathers arms. Missiles incoming One changes more between the ages of fourteen and eighteen than between thirty and forty. Her mother is not so sure because it is Saturday, the Sabbath, when all Jews are supposed to return home. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. At school, Marjane and her friends try to beat up a boy that was in the Shah's secret police. She stayed in Vienna through her high school years, often moving from one residence to another as situations changed, and sometimes stayed at friends homes. Science and modern life versus religious and a more natural, older way of life. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Even if Marjane did stay with Reza, she would still encounter patronizing or misogynistic men at work and in her social life. 1.That she has diabetes, Iraq does have long-range missiles however and soon new bombings begin. Her grandmother gives her some advice: she tells her that if anyone is a jerk to her, she must tell herself that the person is stupid so that she will not react to the person's cruelty. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Do you want one?, What? During a party to celebrate the birth of a new cousin, a bombing raid begins. "You weren't made to live here," her father says. Because her grandmother knows several bureaucrats, she can be placed in a new school. Why? "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood Summary". Then, identify the function of the gerund by writing above it one of these abbreviations:S for subject, PN for predicate nominative, DOD ODO for direct object, 10 for indirect object, or OPO POP for object of a preposition. As her parents learn that the revolution has worsened, not improved, the Iranian political situation, she develops a more nuanced understanding of their commitment to liberal values. Iraq started using ballistic missiles 1 Why did Marjane parents sent to Austria? The main threats to her sense of self and growth are the new regime's restrictive measures, most notably the imposition that all women must wear the veil, which disallows in public the kind of modern outlook and expression that Marjane would prefer. Analyze Marji's behavior when she returns home. At her age, you dont grow up, you grow old. The first thing Marjane Satrapi will tell a visitor is that she has a medical condition and absolutely must smoke. Why do Marjis parents refuse to leave Iran? At home, Marjane's mother is upset that she skipped class and Marjane goes down to her basement where she smokes a cigarette that she had stolen from her uncle. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Marjis parents refused to leave iran because they were afraid that in america or another country they wouldnt be able to build a life for themselves because there wouldnt be as much opportunity. Certainly, theyd had to endure the war, but they had each other and close by. (Kim Wilde) Answers: 1. Marji romanticizes political involvement and even torture, imagining that persecution would make her father more distinguished. She's much lazier when it comes to her personal life. She is afraid after that. Mehri's parents had given Mehri to the Satrapi's as a child because they had too many children to feed. Marjane Satrapi's mother lived in Rasht, where Marji was born, before moving with her husband and Marji to Tehran. Knowing that her goal of becoming a prophet would alarm her parents, Marji told them that she wanted to be a doctor. When the visits taper off, Marjanes grand. LitCharts Teacher Editions. What do you think? The key is their ticket to women and a mansion in heaven. The novel ends with Marjane growing from a childhood perspective into a grown feminist perspective. They see education as the only way for Marjane to escape her situation and have a bright future. Marjane Satrapis mother lived in Rasht, where Marji was born, before moving with her husband and Marji to Tehran. She likes her work, but it's also dangerous. The news reports are exaggerated, and they reported that they had destroyed 13 Iraqi planes and 5 tanks in one day. Why did Marji feel ashamed in her fathers Cadillac? Marjane's Uncle Taher is very stressed about the war and about sending his son overseas to avoid serving in the military. She figures that shes following, her in a dream and tells her the subject of the upcoming test. Why does Marji love the king? Refine any search. She needed advice. One of the neighbors tells them that Iraq now has long-range missiles that can reach Tehran. What is she really planning to do? She realizes that she is in a higher social class than many people around her and knows it isnt fair. How does Marji avoid going before the Committee? Satrapi, who lives in Paris, is in New York conducting more press interviews for her utterly engaging first movie, "Persepolis," than she'd like to count. 1. The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. How does Marji's mom show her ingenuity? Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs There are many protests both for and against this cultural revolution. Then that sister tells others so it gets back to Marji's dad. The parties are necessary because without them it wouldnt be psychologically bearable.. What does Marji learn from this experience? The news comes quickly that a missile has hit in the Tavanir neighborhood, the neighborhood where Marjane lives. Marjane's aunt becomes scared, hands her child to Marjane, and runs off. Despite the doctors orders, I bought myself several cartons of cigarettes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What was the human cost of this survival? A bomb hits their building, and they are killed. Iraq had modern guns and weapons, Iran had more soldiers. I kept repeating to myself that I mustnt crack up. Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself. Marjane smells her grandmothers bosom and thinks it smells good. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Marji says that she doesn't need parents in her life. "All he had to do was grow a beard and put on a suit."(p. It is June 1993, and Marjane and Reza are nearing the completion of their art studies. What does Pardisse describe in her paper? This crushes Marjane's dream of being a famous scientist like Marie Curie. Instead, the graphic frames of the last pages of this chapter depict only Marjane and her mother against a blank white background. She knows shes a vegetable and is disappointed in what shes become. Who led the training in torture practices for the prison guards? Her parents take her to the airport. It boldly denounces the brutality of the regime and calls into question the legitimacy of its rule. He made a swan made of bread. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi. 2. it was forbidden to travel in occupied Palestine. Similar to the prohibition. The bigger conflict was the revolutionary regime killing their own people. The party continues, however, and there is dancing and wine, things that are strictly forbidden by the regime. She is unsure of this at first, but her parents assure her that one of the best French schools in Europe is in Austria. They sort of act toward each other as sisters and Mehri says Marji is her sister. Where do Marjis parents decide to send their daughter why what is Marjis reaction and what is Marjis last image of leaving her parents? One afternoon, Marjane asks her mother for money to go buy jeans. How long were the borders of Iran closed? Marjane's cousin Shahab returns home from the front lines and tells Marjane about the horrible things that they do to children there. Marji gives away a bunch of her stuff to her friends and says goodbye. Shes determinate, self-reliant, rebellious. why does marji want to be a prophet? It is like they are disrespecting him by being on top of his grave. The author believes that one day she will be the last prophet. "The Cigarette," "The Passport," and "Kim Wilde" Summary and Analysis. school starts again, Marjanes friends discuss someone named Bakunin. The Satrapis hold a party to celebrate Marjanes aunt and the birth of her child. Marjane returns just once before Grandmother's death in 1996. While shopping, a bombing occurs in her neighborhood. Are Marjis parents for or against the government? Why? In death, Neda is able to retain her feminine identity even though Marjane is filled with agony. ready. During the Revolution her parents demonstrate against the Shah and take other risks to achieve the kind of government they think is best for the people. They don't want to educate any more future imperialists. I was so shut off. This danger is represented by the dowry. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Marjis grandmother appears stern in the novel Persepolis, but beneath her gruff exterior, she is compassionate, strong, and full of good advice. Her father sees the potential in this rebellious self, but Marjanes mother also understands that such rebelliousness could also cause her daughter to lose her life. Course Hero, "Persepolis Study Guide," September 20, 2017, accessed March 1, 2023, https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Persepolis/. that night. What painful lesson did Marji learn? Her parents decide that Marji is too independent and intelligent to live in Iran (this is a good thing), so they send her to be educated in Vienna. Iran? Explora en Internet el estado de la educacion en un pais hispanohablante. Marjane is then kicked out of school after an incident involving jewelry. When Mr. Satrapi finds that Marjane had written many of Mehri's love letters for her, because Mehri is illiterate, he explains that their love for each other is impermissible because social classes cannot mix. Who are Che Guevara, Fidel, and Trotsky? How does this event affect Marji's plans? He asks the neighbor boy if he wants to marry his maid, and the boy does not want to marry someone from a lower social class. Course Hero. Marjane tries to imagine what such torture would have felt like. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It's time for her to go. What does the teacher blame? Marjis parents are communists. She and her friends often pretend to be revolutionary figures such as Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Marjane stands up and tells the teacher that her uncle had been executed by the regime and that the number of prisoners has increased from 3,000 to 300,000 under the regime. "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood The Shabbat and The Dowry Summary and Analysis". She broke the rules because she wanted to fit in and be friends with the 14 year olds. (Look them up!) When she gets home that night, Marjane tells Reza she wants a divorce. It shows just how real/scary this was for the first time, Persepolis (Chapter Summaries), Literary Elem, Repaso de la Ley de Vehculos y Trnsito de P, Geometry 2-5 Postulates and Paragraph Proofs. Her father is proud of her for standing up to the lies but Marjanes mother grabs her and shakes her. Who is Paradisse? Because he smokes heavily, Taher had had two heart attacks and soon he suffers a third. Each passenger was being met by a dozen people. Marjane is proud of her mother, but her mother is scared. When she announces her plan, her classmates and teacher ridicule her but she retains the hope that she will one day be the symbol for justice, love, and the wrath of God. They work tirelessly for seven months and don't argue once. Her grandmothers bosom is, thus, both a symbol of matriarchal dignity and representative of her Persian homeland. Why is this activity strictly forbidden? What happened to Marji's mom at the end of Persepolis? Or the people are being made to do things that go against their personal beliefs like Mrs. Nassrin has to do. They tell stories of torture and imprisonment. What happens when they encounter Marji? Why? She knows of world history because of books that her parents give to her, and her favorite book is a comic book called Dialectic Materialism, in which Marx and Descartes argue over the validity of the material world. It symbolizes the people trying to escape the fire from the bombs. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. They split into two factions, one for it and one against it. The Baba-Levys are one of the few Jewish families left in Iran. That evening, her grandmother comes and Marjane sleeps in the bed with her. What chapter did Marjane move to Austria? At the same time, how could they have pitied me? It was the first time that my mother had spoken to me in this tone: in her eyes now, I had become an adult. They arranged for her to live with a family friend to study abroad, and in 1983 she arrived in Vienna, Austria, to attend the Lyce Franais de Vienne. Marjane goes to see her uncle and he tells her that she is the daughter he wished he could have had. Marjane tells them all that Iranians are Olympic champions when it comes to gossip and they agree that it is probable that Iraq does not have such sophisticated technology. Shah's soldiers padlocked people inside and set fire to the building. Who is Anoosh? She raised Marjane to think for herself and be independent, which leads her and her husband ( Marjane's father) to send Marjane to school in Vienna. Behzad's wife had a career of her own before marrying Behzad, and she was probably able to speak for herself too. Marjane finds out that her Uncle Anoosh has been arrested and is being held in captivity. . Why did he fail? Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. She disguised herself because she was afraid of what would happen to her if someone knew it was her in the photo demonstrating. Defiant of her parents, Marjane takes Mehri to demonstrate at the marches. He had moved to the U.S.S.R. where he had become a Marxist and had married. Marjane becomes even more rebellious after the Baba-Levys' deaths. What did Marji do for six months to help Mehri? What surprising philosophical comment does Marji make to her parents? The author writes that the purpose of her book is to show that Iran is not a country of fundamentalists and terrorists, and that characterizations of the country by the West are inaccurate. Wang, Bella ed. What story does Marji's grandmother use to stall the officers? Por que la equidad de genero en la docencia debe ser una prioridad internacional? Marjane makes friends with some older girls at school and one day they all sneak away "Kansas," a Western style burger diner that the regime has overlooked. Her parents take her to the airport. Contesta las siguientes preguntas con oraciones completas. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." It boldly denounces the brutality of the regime and calls into question the legitimacy of its rule. As she approaches, she can barely look up. Marjane's parents allow her to attend a rally demonstrating against the new regime. They had never known the confusion of being a third-worlder, they had always had a home! -Marji and her family go to Italy and Spain because her parents believed things such as vacations would not be possible in the future. So I decided that I would never tell them anything about my Austrian life. Marji's generation was so rebellious because prior to now they had been to combined schools and were allowed an education with worldly ideas. The students applaud her honesty, but the teacher is angry. What is the outcome when the news of Mehri's clandestine affair reaches Marji's father? Marji's father says it's a fraud. A year after the uncle died, when the borders opened. How does Marji try to console her friend? Persepolis is a based on the life of the author Marjane Satrapi put into a graphic novel. On the lines provided, rewrite each sentence so that its meaning is clear. Who is Mehri and why is her love forbidden? A photographer snapped a pic of her and published it, so she went home and dyed her hair and wore sunglasses. Why was a picture of Marjane's mother published in the newspaper? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. During the Revolution her parents demonstrate against the Shah and take other risks to achieve the kind of government they think is best for the people. Marjane is ashamed for herself and for Mali. No, he will not fight, because he doesn't like his government. She mouths off at school and eventually gets expelled. The bread swan, even though things started out ugly there hope that it will become beautiful in the end 121). Uncle Taher died because of the stress over his country persecuting their own citizens and because the country closed its borders, making him unable to see his son. Her homeland is also her mother and grandmother, in this sense. What is the significance of the title? Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood essays are academic essays for citation. 2023. The Satrapis hold a party to celebrate Marjanes aunt and the birth of her child. Asked by Simba A #397241. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The demonstration erupts in violence and they do not demonstrate again. Her father seems proud of Marjane's . C.I.A. At the beginning of Persepolis, Marjane is around the age of ten. He was one of their ancient rulers and a mighty king. Her uncle, she is very proud of him, because he also took part in a major revolution and had tried to accomplished so much. "The subject was so extraordinary that we forgot our conflicts," Marjane writes. What is Marjis reaction? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In Course Hero. What does Marji realize about this information? Why does God return after a long absence? Her father tells her that Anoosh has asked that she be the one visitor he is allowed. Marjane and Reza get along so well during their project because they are functioning more as coworkers than marital partners. 2. is done with her punk phase and doesnt want to be marginal anymore. To see his son again, because he was dying. Science and modern life versus religious and a more natural, older way of life. As Marjane tearfully leaves her home country, she does not take the violent, fundamentalist reality of Iran with her. The news about their relationship gets out, however, and Marjane's father finds out. Marji gives away a bunch of her stuff to her friends and says goodbye. Her defiance remains, however. Marjane gives up her "Dialectic Materialism" comics and retreats to the arms of her imaginary God friend. 1 Mar. There is a continuing war going on and. Where was the Dayton peace agreement signed? In the final frame of the novel: It is very dangerous time to be religious so their parents send her to Vienna. Her mother tells her that the missile hit the Baba-Levys building next door and Marjane is glad because she thinks that the Baba-Levys are staying at the Hilton. Anoosh had defied the Shah's rule by taking a position in a government that had declared independence from the Shah. 3.Marji's dad just ends up bribing him to leave. Why? Why? What event makes Marjis parents decide to send her away for school? In the current Islamic regime, however, this symbol of the dowry has lost its meaning. When Marjane's grandfather had been imprisoned, her mother and grandmother had been very poor, sometimes boiling water on a stove just so that the neighbors would believe that they had food. What happens while they are gone? Last updated by Simba A #397241 on 11/8/2014 9:18 AM Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood Why can they not get western items in Iran? The man that marries a girl is supposed to give the girl a dowry. In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, she is a 10-year-old who lives in Iran that has encountered groundbreaking occasions, for example, the Islamic Revolution which happened in 1979, and the Iranian and Iraq war in the 1980s. It's a splash! Marji's grandmother reveals very little about her past. About Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood. Marjane says that she has now become a rebel. When the principal of her school tries to take her jewelry, she yells back at them. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Realizing that if her neighbor can die she can too, Marji decides she has nothing to fear. Helped her read & write letters to the boy next door. They could have put her in jail, whipped her for days without telling her parents. In 1979 the Islamic Revolution occurred, and the rules changed. More books than SparkNotes. My shame at not having become someone, the shame of not having made my parents proud after all the sacrifices they had made for me. The irony is he got his passport the day he died. It shows that many people hate their ruler the Shah. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Marjane knows the end of the project means the end of her marriage to Reza. It does not store any personal data. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What happened to Marji's mom at the end of Persepolis? What contributes to Marji's anger and confusion when she returns to school? The story line of Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis takes place during the late 1970's in the Iranian capital city of Tehran. 1. her mother was very permissive. The book challenges the . Marjis parents were very passionate in protesting against the Shah once he was self-appointed Marji shared this passion and was influenced by her parents actions to rebel against the government and make sure her voice was heard. What do Marjane's parents know? You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. How does Marji's father explain these results? Marjis parents refused to leave iran because they were afraid that in america or another country they wouldnt be able to build a life for themselves because there wouldnt be as much opportunity. Course Hero. 1. What happened to the parents in Persepolis? Her parents tell her that they feel it is better for you to be far away and happy than close by and miserable., The next day, Marjane gathers some soil from the garden and puts it in a jar. Young boys, they persuade them by giving them the gold key, and telling them if they die they will go straight to heaven. September 20, 2017. She rushes home as quickly as possible. How does Mehri view Marji? Why did Marji's parents react to her statement about the Shah (hint: her family history)? Because her great grandpa was the emperor until he got kicked out by the Shah. The butcher says people have been shot in the streets without being judged. They explain: You go on ahead of us. They threaten to arrest her but let her return home safely. As a graphic novel, it purposefully rejects the Islamic tenet that there should be no iconic representations of the faith. Her self-actualization journey also finds some resolution, as she is able to name herself definitively in the final chapter as a rebel. Her parents understand that their daughter has now come into her own in a fundamental way. Inside and set fire to the what happened to marjane's mom at the end of persepolis 's as a child because they are killed Marjane becomes even more after... 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