I've been accused of sexual assault today: I've gathered information that pertains to the subject. He was grooming and inappropriately chatting with underage girls. yellowpaco got around so much that I mistook him for being Albert's friend since I would see him in all the <2k Andy chats (sleightlymusical, Just Friends streamers and their mods). Cause everything he did was fake af and lies. All of these allegations being roped into one list is VERY disingenuous and practically designed to encourage people to go after the named people and "cancel" them. I, too, was sexually assaulted by a guy in the gaming industry. well regardless if any of them did it or not. Always knew JP was scummy, now its undeniable. yellowpaco too who was friends with offlinetv for a while. If it's a personal bias towards him, that's cool. Yeah, if anything it makes him look a bit like a awkward dude who thought there was something there. https://www.twitch.tv/witwix Witwix is addressing the allegations against him atm. If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? That said there is no way he isn't a serial abuser. Probably because it is. People really didn't learn from Johnny Depp. Hmm Takarita is implicated in the first story about swifty and suddenly comes out with a story about Swifty herself? I have known and blocked Sattelizer for years because of his involvement with a rape of another streamer while she was drunk and knocked out and unable to consent to sex and there was witnesses. Such a shame. You are probably thinking of when he dresses up in the banana suit. Bil "Jump" Carter accused of rape here. His response here and here. I was such a huge fan of his during his early days playing with Pewdiepie, I cant believe he's here. I keep getting stuff from here in my popular feed. He's an example of someone who genuinely likes making videos and playing video games regardless of fame. The CEO of @Twitch, @eshear , was asked in an All Hands meeting about partners using their platforms to abuse women- specifically using my case as an example. His response to the accusations here. Video Game Attorney also being accused here. Damn, havn't heard that name in literally 10 years, He still appears in a lot of Dunkey videos, He was accused of grooming underage girls quite a bit before this stuff as well. Just wow. I can't believe how many nutcases inhabit Twitter. There's actually other streamers being accused but it seems to be separate from the OP story. Swifty one is the same way. To those who are too scared, It's okay. proof: itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. I liked the part where someone dropped $500 donation to say woman are fucked up. Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. He was able to sue his affair (he got ~7k, he just wanted to have it "on file" that he was innocent). (although she unfollowed me recently it seems), I'm surprised, but morbidly impressed that nobody has ended up dead yet. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. Yellowpaco was born on August 15, 1990, and he is currently 29 years of age. Other streamers that were having a hard time transitioning away from SC2 probably felt a lot of pressure to stay quiet. January 8, 2015. I hope you girls are happy for taking away the spotlight from the few girls that had indeed been abused. She was 16 when they started talking and he didn't know that. moon2SUFFER. You don't really know who streamers are. Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. While this shit is disgusting, terrible and I feel bad for all the victims, I also feel like we live in strange times. He also had drama about obsessing over a girl years ago when SC2 was still relatively new. I'm not saying they're innocent and the women are lying but until it's taken to court and proven these allegations are in fact real it should not even be looked at by the public eye. End of story. OfflineTV statement here. They just know the original version and still think they were right. Probably the most toxic, sick individual on the internet.. Fucking scum. The blocking her phone stuff seemed weird, but I think that is not the whole story there. The post on this subreddit about him here. he held me down while i was crying and begging him to stop. Fortunately at least the legal system still has due process, even if people don't want it to. ah for fuck sake. I could be wrong, but from what i know, Jared still hasn't owned up to any part of these accusations. Removed some text and accusations due to character limit being 40k. "He tried to rape me, I fought back, he gaslit me into thinking I overreacted and that this is normal in relationships". Even if Jared did clear himself of some of his accusations people seem to forget that he was operating a porn blog tied to his name with no age verification. i mean, if i were joe id be pissed too. If someone is persistently making accusations against you (assuming they are false), a cease and desist is the proper legal way of asking them to stop before you sue for defamation. Thats just how the industry is. Pt 1 of how I got an adult actress to fall for me. In this "candid and blackly funny" (The New York Times) memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most . Sometimes when there are tons of accusations there is at least one in there that just seems like they have buyers remorse rather than anything bad happening to them. It's easy manipulating and controlling morons. Ah yes, the monthly "let's cancel everyone and anyone with just one allegation, while providing 0 proof" twitter threads. The Kaitlyn one is really fucked because everyone from super early twitch (sc2 era / Old Boys Club) pretty much knows about it but no one talks about it. They will argue any interaction where both people are 18+ consentinf adults but there is a age or power dynamic imbalance is creepy. An update from Twitch on the investigations of recent allegations here. Popular YouTuber Ryan Higa revealed just a year ago that he and actress Arden Cho were together. I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood. Eventually he was acquitted. Many people have since left Method. A lot of the accused have come out and admitted to their wrongdoings. https://twitter.com/AnnieFeatherw8/status/1274768579527835648?s=20, Witwix going on stream and addressing this for 70 minutes was truly a sight to behold. It was getting close to midnight. Will is streaming on twitch. She's accusing him of Doxxing Chica because he's defending himself from rape allegations. I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. I haven't paid attention to the RP community for years because of how toxic, petty, hateful, power-trippy, etc I found JP to be so I absolutely believe it. Even if a guys creepy and I don't like him, I don't think he should be up there on a list next to stories about fucking rape. read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. This is unlike WingsOfRedemption who complains about money, says he won't upload because "it gets no views," and is a general cry baby and uses his surgery donation money to buy a mustang/truck. He also sued the yellow press for compensation (he won ~400k). Fuck JP. Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. Theres also multiple victims. YellowpacoKim Jong Will "" YellowpacoYabei yell-O Paco Yellowpaco I care about definitive evidence of whether or not this is happening to other people who are below the legal line. That's relieving. I read the whole twitlongers those stories paint a really disgusting image of Swifty. Kinda reminds me of the ProJared/Heidi situation where we only knew one side from Heidi at the time. diegosaurs has been removed from TSM. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to this accusation here. 2,800 likes. You a dumb hoe. Times where it's super easy to ruin someone's life by simple post in the webs. That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and . He's been practicing this behavior for a long time I'm sure. I won't delete the post because some people have it bookmarked but it's not sticked anymore on the frontpage and I won't interact with it anymore. Yet there's still people doubting him in the comments. More accusations here. My story. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. Who hears spook and doesn't immediately go 'CIA or ghost?' No reason to feel bad about keeping your options open. No one on LSF thinks Steven is having sex with women. So lying about it should have serious reprecussions. BUZZR. Yeah, it is shocking but this community seems to be handling the issue much more responsibly than most other subreddits. : Directed by Tom Noonan. 2 https://streamable.com/f0wz0n Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It was a big process, especially since some yellow press did a lot of yellow press reporting. Anyone read the AngryJoe one? USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. There were creepy dms being leaked not even related to Kaitlyn really sucks to hear she went through some shit too. I am back to updating this with more information and updated links. Just my 2 cents. About 1,500 people died when the Titanic sank 100 years ago. So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? As you can see it's huge. Chilled Chaos accused of raping a 12 year old girl. You are happier about finding people getting sexually assaulted and abused by people in power, instead of wholesome chess shit? 33 followers. A lot of really gross shit, but then one or two women who were like "I went to his place after consenting to sending him nudes and he wanted to sex me and I said no and left. Its what Leo dicaprio uses, its what the twitch streamer uses too. Can you provide more info on the situation? Dont jump to attack; dont jump to defense, investigate and draw a conclusion. . How the fuck is this being taken even remotely seriously? An example just the past week Id give is how theres a similar movement happening in the pro wrestling scene right now. I told him as much when he tried to get me to masturbate for him again, BaconDonutTV accused of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to Tactical_Pinup, mother of his 2 children here. Remember when people were placing Harvey Weinstein and Louis CK in the same basket? https://streamable.com/sboa33, Victoria makes a fake rape claim! The angry Joe story is literally just a cringe date at worst, what the actual? Edit2 (2020-06-28): In light of recent events, yellowpaco being in Fed's camp makes A LOT of sense. https://gyazo.com/bb048520a1958f5fb05262d417e30f5e. Luminosity asked his girlfriend for nudes so apparently he's an abuser LOL wtf. He hardly got any hate for it for some reason, Tmartn took most of the heat. Can we change the title from "women" to "people" considering we have a male victim as well. Yeah, I don't understand how that would be classified as sexual assault or be compared to any other allegations on here (from what I read). In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. Being Groomed By MethodJosh at 14 - My Story. Why would I ask a habitual liar and someone I never talked to about her grooming guys 10 years younger than her? I dont follow the vast majority of these people but I will say this. And let's be real, the gaming community is quite toxic. His house got broken into and when the cops were taking his statement they smelled weed in his closet or some shit and cost him with a few pounds. Not really 'both are bad' kinda thing here brother. Basically guaranteed them top spot on youtube's frontpage and rake in pre-adpocalyse ad money. Oh no they actually said that? Why would you ever talk to that person again?!?!? This woman had a BOYFRIEND at the time, yet she spent an entire night hanging out with another guy and kissing him and now all of a sudden it wasn't consensual? Like what? Angry Joe has responded here. I'd like to point to the mob that in the one screenshot of HenryG allegations the woman has posted, there is no proof of any non-consensual engagement. Wow, this is disgusting. I would imagine more and more will continue to come, and with it some larger and more prominent names coming down. Why are you comparing a guy with no game, with rapists. His long response to the accusation here. I hate his WoW streams but his drama takes are always based. Wow. Am I missing something? She called jared a pedo, he proved that he wasn't and that the people confirmed they were 18+ to him. Think she was a Starcraft 2 player during those times, which is the scene where most of the OG Rollplay group was from. Some of these people clearly look like theyve faked accusations and thats disgusting in all cases. And the followup by ChrisChanTO here. You can find Sp00nerisms (the former creature) stream here here. I'm personally having a hard time with Lorien's story. Streamers are already shitting on twitch for letting this slide, https://twitter.com/sampai/status/1274910389138935808?s=21, commentary youtubers bout to have a field day, Esports Talk is gonna be up all night making videos, bro looks like he gets 2 hours of sleep. Also no way do I believe the second "victim" after she said he was doxing the first "victim" by defending himself and showing receipts. Imagine having a twitch/youtube/whatever career that you love, your actual dream, you hit the jackpot playing vidya games for a living or something, then out of the blue you wake up one day and there's someone you know telling the world that you're a rapist, and they're listening. Or even more relatable to Twitch, people didn't learn from the Calebhart accusations. They arent saints. I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. You can't make this shit up. She could have just said "yeah no, bye now" at any point, don't buy any of the descriptions bordering on an anxiety attack or a nervous breakdown, jesus. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. Scamming kids again, just in a different way via subs and a fake persona, swapped out weed for bananas. DUMPED: Simon Cowell's record label have dumped Collabro (Image: GETTY) The popular 2014 champs were axed despite their two previous albums being big hits - peaking at No.1 and No.2 in the charts. Just an apology. and, at worst, file claims that are counterclaimed and automatically expire. In case you want to update the main post, /u/DanGr_123, https://twitter.com/JustinWong/status/1274919311782473729. I was always in pbats stream around the time the original grooming accusations happened and he definitely did it. Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread here. The angryjoe accuser honestly doesnt belong here. And if true. that's fucked up. bruh whats happening. I mean the Destiny video game community, not the streamer. In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own. At some point she finally talks to her BF, Joe confronts her (according to her by pushing her to the side) implying she's just there for her own interest, offers her a cab which she denies. I genuinely can't believe this dude, of all people, is getting away with this shit. (thank you trainwreckstv for pointing out my mistake). (photos in replies). He has since deleted his twitter account. He has been banned from the Smite community here. Numerous important milestones in the development of our planet and the evolution of . Aria Saki experience with one of the owners of esports org. I'm so glad this guy had all this proof, imagine if he didn't. Manuel Ferrara accused of being abusive here, Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. I checked angry joes post and all he did was ask someone out for dinner. Damn that's slimy as fuck, i really hope people like this keep getting called out, don't want the streaming industry to turn as rotten as the music/movie industry. He likes doing his " Yo Dance " at Roi ( sometimes he dances it in a real seductive way ) . Doesn't matter how big, or how small of a celeb you are bad people can use false allegations quite effectively to take down good people. Yes. Spreadsheet by JessyQuial here. My experience with Co-CEO of Method, Sascha. Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. All I knew is that it was a very bad breakup and Witwix was really affected by it and blamed himself entirely. Purple_HS says he will be taking legal action here. I know I seem willing here, but that doesn't make a difference as I was 15 when we first started talking. I told my boyfriend at the time, what happened and he convinced me it was my fault "Why didn't you stand up for yourself? This post is simply to inform and spread awareness of what has been happening. Might Not be a crime necessarily but still pretty messed up. Fyi he has evidence against that too. Yes reddit, let's once again all jump to conclusions and destroy ppl lives over some random accusations without the slightest proof. The self awareness you need to lack to take that story and put it side by side with someone who was raped constantly during their relationship or someone who was tricked or forced to perform sexual acts though is really low. If they are buddy buddy with Omeed, it explains how Serious Gaming has survived so long on twitch despite their predatory practices. It's always been that way though. These people are not accused of anything. They distanced themselves from saynotorage in the meantime. We need to take every one as their own story to tell. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. Secondly, here we go again ugh. I think some of them are just gonna be fine by the time the next disaster comes in. His apology here. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here. A socially-awkward guy "using his popularity and power" to hit on someone is not the same as rape. Man, I actually remember seeing a thread about the accusations against ItMeJP last year I think but it got deleted pretty quickly and always wondered why. witwix accused of sexual harassment here. Posting their DMs that exonerates him is NOT doxing. edit: Bully Hunters vs CSGOLotto thats spicy, LUL I completely forgot about that, thanks for reminding me, Oh man PaperBatVG is involved in this? More like years in prison. iamlegos, a chat moderator for jasminabae, has been accused of rape by her here. Women should speak up and we should support them but at the same time please people, wait for proof before you make judgement. They would probably rather sweep it under the rug and maybe ban a few small streamers while keeping the money bags safe. Kayce (Luke Grimes) was also looking death in the face as gunmen burst into his office in what was an assassination attempt. I'm 21 now. It seems like it all started in the Destiny game community with allegations against SayNoToRage. I've watched them for a long time and never even noticed something like that might be wrong. He apologized for being manipulative and emotionally abusive, and recognized that he was immature. I have been contacted by some of the accusers and accused. Yeah I feel ya there. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } .errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width . 4 years. EDIT: ducks not banana. The sexual assault accusation was from this person, but i cannot find it. BaconDonutTV response here. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. Amazing the amount of times they let things go because they still held out hope they were going to get personal gain from it. But the person in question asked for no one to say anything because they didnt want to ruin his career. IAmSp00n is a different person from Sp00nerism. He doesnt want a relationship with her so she accuses him of sexual assault and even doubles down when a mountain of evidence is presented against her. Damn. at least they'll have something interesting to talk about now. Idk how anyone could have been that silly at the time.. My personal experiences aside, if she can provide proof like the other people coming forward then she at the least deserves to be heard and given an area, legal or otherwise, to make her case. A long time i 'm sure guys 10 years younger than her a male victim as.. Cho were together live with that fear anymore women '' to `` people '' we... Accusations and thats disgusting in all cases gaming community is quite toxic are just gon na be by! 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